EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 1846


If we break through the fractal, I'll go to 3570

antoniofx >>:
какой-то развод.
данные позитив, евра и фунт взлетели..
надеюсь это обманный трюк и он скоро закончится

Positive will come when there is movement on signed contracts ... when the money begins to move ... but right now it's just signed paperwork... it's usually about 3 months before the deal closes... it can tell us that the next period there will be more movement in this area by 8.2% more than in the past ... and of course that the market may be coming back to life ... and I didn't see any sharp moves on this news ... it's just a small plus in favour of the dollar ...

Vlad72 >>:

если пробьём фрактал пойду до 3570

Will you go alone, without euros?))

strangerr писал(а) >>

Will you go alone, without Euros?))

Vlad72 писал(а) >>


- Let's go the logical way...
- Let's go together!
(from "The Irony of Fate")
mixo_lexus писал(а) >>

"It doesn't happen". But knowing all week in advance what's coming is cool.)

I see you're into the lamplight indicator, here's an updated version.

SEVER11 >>:

гляжу увлекаешься индикатором светафор, держи обновленную версию

He, like the forex eye, is a dangerous thing.))

Galina, have you moved in yet?
Nice twists the eurik is having :))))
I wonder if today's low or today's high will be updated :)))
SEVER11 >>:

гляжу увлекаешься индикатором светафор, держи обновленную версию

Thanks )))) %) It's fun.)