EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 1842

That's it, the euro is frozen...
I'd like it to be more dynamic or something....
And I think shorts are a bit difficult for her, the nano will go up in a moment.
I think it's like this
AK_ >>:
AUDJPY нарисовал 5 волн вульфа на днях. Если они не ложные, то последует падение, цели которого где-то ~67. Есть какая-нибудь привязка ко времени в теории волн вульфа ?

Put up the picture if you don't mind .... here's mine for the austrian yen ...I think it will make it to the red mark

bariga >>:
там, помоему так

Point 1 is below point 3, which is unacceptable. I think point 2 should be 1, point 3 should be 2, etc. I.e. point "6" would be at the bottom.

Another possibility is the formation of an expanding triangle, in which wave D has finished at the moment and wave E will start with the target slightly below 75,50, after which a pullback (~50% of E) and downward movement will start, but already deeper.


Yes, not much news today. And my website hasn't posted any news for the week so far. Asleep there?

strangerr, can you give us your report on Wolf on the aforementioned aussieena?

I don't want to upset anyone....
But in my opinion, there's a double bottom on the CAN/YEN on the months.
That means that even if it pulls back from here, it will still go higher afterwards, and fast enough.
It's at least still up to 97.27.
Alexan >>:

Да, новостей седня мало. И сайтец мой что-то не выкладывает пока на неделю новости. Спят там чтоль?

strangerr, по Вульфу можешь свой расклад дать по вышеупомянутой ауссийене?

There's nothing there yet. Everything I can see.