EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 1839

Alexan >>:

Как тут было недавно замечено кем-то из наших гуру - какая нах разница какой ТФ :))))
Ты там селишь или баишь евру втихаря? :))

So I posted a picture this morning - a sell from 1.3509. And the difference is that on M15, for example, the impulse is up, and on H4 it is the 2nd or 4th wave, and on D it is some small correction, etc.))

strangerr писал(а) >>

So I posted a picture this morning - a sell from 1.3509. And the difference is that on M15, for example, the impulse is up, and on H4 it is the 2nd or 4th wave, and on D it is some small correction, etc.))

I'm just kidding :) So what about the Canadian? Take a good look, fellas. I'M TELLING YOU!!!
Okay, I'm just messing with you again. Gal, I love you :))
Galina, what do you think of the Canadian? I've got a big move coming up, and his crosses, too. But it is on the indices. Haven't looked at the waves yet.

Stochastic is already down on all TFs. RSI's creeping up into the critical zone, too.

It's going downhill so far.

On the Canadian, ...
Yes, it's an interesting picture.
Speculatively, I think we can try to buy it in a momentum.
It's worth at the level, the stopper is very small.
But only very carefully.
I can say that the downside movement is not over yet.
My opinion is that there is not enough of one more spill.
I'll pass.
Galina >>:
По канадцу, ...
Да интересная картинка.
Спекулятивно можно думаю попробовать прикупить его в моменте.
Стоит на уровне впринципе, стопак мизерный выходит.
Но только очень осторожно.
Могу точно сказать, что по нему движение вниз еще не законьчено.
Мое мнение еще одного пролива не хватает.
Я короче говаря пас.

I counted it about a month ago, if you remember, the first target was 1.08 and something, it didn't reach it by about 100pp, and then I remember it was 0.99 or 0.98. I looked it up, it was at the end of February.

yurok1987 >>:
Кто как думает?

Me with a coffee and a cigarette.))

I uploaded a screenshot, but it's not showing? How do I upload it or what format do I use?
Good morning everyone ! Coffee... and have a profitable week !

yurok1987 >>:
чета загружал скриншот.. а он не показывается??? как загрузить, вернее какой формат?

Any of them. Put a dot after the drawing)

Found calculations for the Canadian - 0.9938.