EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 1838

Write about the kindergarten, nobody's opinion is interesting.
nemez_ >>:
На счет,дет сада,напиши-ничье мнение не интерестно.

Gip's coming over, he'll write you, scary guy.))

nemez_ писал(а) >>
About the kindergarten, I'm not interested in anyone's opinion.

What do you mean by that? It's not clear from the spelling.
Can't execute, can't pardon? Or can't execute, can't pardon? :))) There are two TT's in the word interesting.

On the loonie (USDCAD) isn't a W forming on the watch?
NikT_58 писал(а) >>
Galina, just for you. And it's all classic. The market is like this.......... What I'll do...

Nikolai, sorry again... What kind of waves are these for you, if it's not a secret? According to what classics? Elliott's bullshit. Well, there's just not one rule that's being followed... Maybe there are other classics that I missed?

Alexan >>:

Николай, еще раз пардон... Что это за волны такие у тебя, если не секрет? По какой классике? По Эллиоту полный бред. Ну просто ни одно правило не соблюдается... Может еще какая классика есть, которую я пропустил?

It goes something like this.

Why is it that everyone on this thread is so happy to try and force their opinion on ME ....?
And absolutely everyone has used the phrase at least once:
"Galina, especially for you!"
It's so funny, really!!!
All so smart, and everyone probably thinks that his opinion is the correct !!!!
I'll never cease to be amazed !
Galina >>:
Почему то все на этой ветке с таким удовольствием стараются ИМЕННО МНЕ навязать свое мнение ....
При чем обсолютно все, уже как минимум по разу исползовали фразу:
"Галина, специально для Вас !"
Ну так забавно, вот чесное слово !!!
Все умные такие, и каждый небось думает, что его мнение самое правельное !!!!
Никогда не перестану удивляться !

No one is proving anything to anyone.
Simply to claim that there are no impulses but only corrections is heresy and nonsense.
A correction without impulse does not exist (read the same thing).
All that remains is to understand where there is an impulse and where there is a correction.

NikT_58 писал(а) >>

>> roughly like this.

My understanding is that it is a franc. But about the previous figure, I still don't understand where the waves are. And there are no marks here either.
The pulse should look like this:

In your picture, 0-1-2-3-4-5 doesn't make any sense at all. Let's redraw it. Another hint - you never mark 0 (do you mean the beginning of the impulse?)
Just agree on what timeframe you'll draw, otherwise there'll be one M5 and another D.))
strangerr писал(а) >>
Just agree on which timeframe you'll draw, otherwise there'll be one M5 and another D.))

As one of our gurus said recently - what the fuck does it matter what TF :))))
Are you siting there or bashing euras in secret? :))