EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 1836

>five's being shot.

What do you mean by that?
patsandar! Chegoto vverh polzem!
antoniofx >>:
>щаз пятерочку достреляют

что под этим подразумевается?

hmmm... In my interpretation that means I expect the end of the fifth wave around 1.5370 and after that there will be a correction of at least 38% on the fib (maybe 57,438%, maybe 59,837%) .... :))

cr0ss, I see, thanks for the explanation
funt letit!
cr0ss >>:

хм... в моем трактовании означает что ожидаю окончание пятой волны в районе 1.5370 и после этого будет коррекция как минимум 38% по фибе (а может и 57,438 %, может и 59,837 %).... :))

1.5225 There's a nice little knot there that's a great place to go down)
umenya v zalupu vse idet!
Bearish candle,но it's a market, anything can happen .Just in case boo.
Monday, April 5
Markets in China, Japan, Eurozone, UK, Canada, Switzerland are closed in celebration of Easter.
18.00 Moscow timeframe. - US: March, ISM service sector index (prior period: 53.0)
18.00 Moscow time zone. - US: March, housing market openings

I was blacked out after the all-night easter service and I should have slept in :)) why didn't I look at the holiday timetable before, I'm off to bed now, when else will I have time to do it.....
Hello all. War and Peace has been written, just can't figure out where.))