EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 1814

Galina >>:

Я думаю да.
Но сами понимаете, это новость, и очень важная, все что угодно может быть.
Здесь никогда наверняка не скажешь.
16:30 США Мар Занятость вне сельского хозяйства (Non-Farm Payrolls)
Уровень безработицы (Unemployment Rate)
Средняя часовая оплата труда (Avg Hourly Earnings)

Средняя продолжительность рабочей недели (Average Workweek)
+190 000
+0.2% м/м
+1.9% г/г
-36 000
+0.1% м/м
+1.9% г/г
Посмотрите на пргноз, на некоторых сайтах пишут 175 000.
Скорее всего будет хуже ожиданий.
Ушь слишком циферка большая.
С другой стороны правительство немерено денег давало на создание новых раб . мест.
Мона они все таки с толком их потратили...... ?
Все может быть.
Одно точно, сегодня движение будет неслабым.

With this data, it's downhill)

there is a news calendar here
Going down to 1.3585.
I'm in favour of going down south,
with all my hands!
strangerr >>:
Сходим на 1.3585.

how long have you been using Gunn's theory?

with which tools?

yurok1987 >>:

вы давно пользуетесь теорией "Ганна"?

с помощью каких инструментов?

Just trying, tools mostly hammer, chisel...))


Hi all ... Looking forward to the move ..... if the upside option does come to fruition today .... here is my vision of the targets ( i removed the blue channel - i think it is not a problem now ... Yesterday it was, but I don't think it will be a problem today) The red thick line shows the resistance from which they pushed down on March 17 without any delay ... Speaking of employment news - it may be + a few thousand and this is temporary for the census ... so I think the reaction will be adequate... in general for me it will be a check passage through green resistance .... while writing the market is alive .... let's see ...

And here is a ticker and a market overview for the day (in Russian) with conclusions.

strangerr писал(а) >>
Going down to 1.3585.

you always have some new software, what's this one called?
Vlad72 писал(а) >>

you've got new programs all the time, what's this one called?

It's just that Stangler thinks you have to change the script all the time....
He says it's his way of adjusting to the market :)