EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 1811

Galina >>:

Galina, good morning, sunshine of the forum!!! I didn't write this, but I totally agree with you! :)
strangerr, Galina, looks like "tear tonight's Friday apart like a rag" :)))))
chepikds >>:
strangerr, Галина, походу, "разорвём сегодняшнюю пятницу, как тузик тряпку" :)))))

We have to wait for the Americans, there's no one to trade with.))

strangerr >>:

Надо ждать америкосов, торговать некому.)))

Yes, that's right, we've been in the 5p corridor for 40 minutes :)
chepikds >>:
strangerr, Галина, походу, "разорвём сегодняшнюю пятницу, как тузик тряпку" :)))))

Thanks for the Sunshine :)
Looking forward to the evening,
And yes !!! You're damn right !!!
I haven't seen such a prolonged flat on the m1 in a long time))))))
That's the kind of stuff. I think there will be a final reversal upwards in that corner where the fibo and the rays have gathered. 1.2950-1.31.
strangerr >>:
Вот такая фигня.

Good afternoon! Why the sales?

yurok1987 >>:

Добрый день! а почему продажи?

So there's no money to buy, not just to buy, not even to look at.))

strangerr >>:

Так нет денег, чтобы купить, не то что купить, на посмотреть даже нет.)))

but honestly?))