EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 1756

who knows why the yen is taking so long .... Is the government cheapening the currency again?
Alexan >>:

Ну почему, еще Ксюша есть... И Таня с мужем-игроком... Но это еще не повод обижать Галю :)

casinos are allowed again.))

NikT_58 писал(а) >>

Don't insult Galina, after all she is the only woman in this thread.
And by the way, her reasoning makes sense.
I think you'll get it from her more than once.

It's believed that women are more interested in trading than men. Men are trying to assert themselves in the market, which as we all know = Lim(deposit) -> -(infinity)
Alexan >>:

Ну почему, еще Ксюша есть... И Таня с мужем-игроком... Но это еще не повод обижать Галю :)

There is also a Yakutka, if I am not mistaken

Alexan >>:

Ну почему, еще Ксюша есть... И Таня с мужем-игроком... Но это еще не повод обижать Галю :)

The young are too categorical, and in a hurry.

NikT_58 >>:

Молодые слишком категоричны, и торопятся.

It's like in the joke about the old and the young bull.) Even on our forum I see: the young ones - oh, the euro has gone down, let's catch up and sell it!; those who are older - no need to run, let's wait for it here))).

To state the obvious is now called insulting. I didn't sign up to sing the deferential praises of a panic-stricken plummer.
oleniknik писал(а) >>
Who knows why the yen is taking so long .... Is the government cheapening the currency again?

There is some seasonality in the yen. At the end of each quarter it depreciates slightly. Again, there are a lot of external factors that influence it. Sometimes they keep it from going down. Now it seems to be "trending" so it's going that way. But again, that's speculation..... I don't trust the fundamentals. If I ever believe in foundations, it's in the obvious facts. Crisis, seasonality, hurricanes ( grain prices going up ).
TsaiShenYeh >>:
Констатировать очевидное, теперь называется обижать. Я не подписывался петь деферамбы сливаторше-паникерше.

Judging by your speeches, you are no more than 20, it will be 15-20 years before you realise, maybe....

TsaiShenYeh >>:

Галька пока что только публично два депо слила, а всё поучать лезет.

Actually, the morim depot's fine, I think, unlike yours.
Why else would you get so worked up?