EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 1753


I can't wait for the eu to go up, but there was a breakout of the lower top, there is an unworked target of 3370. That's when I would like to go up.

Vlad72 >>:

я жду не дождусь когда евра наверх пойдёт, но был прорыв нижней вершины, там цель не отработанная 3370. Вот тогда и наверх хотелось бы.

You're right, at 1.3370 we'll go.


Now Galina will appear and give valuable advice))))

rather at 1.3470
syan писал(а) >>

so far +-40... strange I thought it would be the other way round today - aud is definitely on the plus side, euro is in question... but aud threw up a surprise... tonight we'll have to re-plan...

Closed eur +55p, aud hold for a bit. After euro bounce I look to reopen the sell
Greetings !
I think we should open shorts from 1.3487.
Today I think we will go there on the news.
And until that time we will slowly turn upwards.
I will at least try to enter.
The stop loss is known, it is the level of the maximum of 1.3525, for me.
The targets are the same.
Galina >>:
Приветствую !
Я думаю надо открывать шорты от отметки 1.3487.
Сегодня думаю на новостях мы туда слетаем.
А до этого времени медленно наверх разворачиваться бдем.
Я по крайней мере попробую зайти.
Стоп известен, для меня это уровень максимума 1.3525 в днях приерно.
Цели то же.

Wrong - 2.))


Hello to all and also profits
I do not know about others, but we have a very warm welcome to the train and the south

Bocman >>:

Всем привет а также профитов
Не знаю как у кого но у нс очень тепло приглашаю ВСЕХ желаюших в поезд и на ЮГА

I understand all that, but why not at school today?)) Gip, what are you looking at?)))


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