EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 1744

It looks like we've already turned 1n, but the minutes are pushing down and won't let us in.
Bocman >>:

Скажите пож-та кто и почему ВВЕРХ будет ????

All right, I'll tell you. On Saturday morning Soros came in, blue, bruised, his hands were shaking, and he said: "Let me have a hangover, or I will die, because last night I had gone through all the money in my pockets. I said, "Good, but tell me what euro orders you have. I poured him a glass of moonshine, he sipped it, and he got better. He said that I had settled the euro and started a rumour that I would push it almost to zero, and last night I closed the sells and had a great time, washing it off afterwards.

strangerr писал(а) >>

All right, I'll tell you. On Saturday morning Soros came in, blue, bruised, his hands were shaking, and he said: "Let me have a hangover, or I will die, because last night I had gone through all the money in my pockets. I said, "Good, but tell me what euro orders you have. I poured him a glass of moonshine, he sipped it, and he got better. I had a glass of moonshine, he drank it, I looked better, and he ranted.

But what happens if Soros pushed the Euro (Monday's GOP) up and now he already flipped, where the movement is?

Bocman >>:

ХОРОШИЙ ответ главное ПРАВДИВЫЙ но тока неувязочка вот получается ежели Сорос так ЕВУ качнул (ГЕПчик понедельника) вверх а теперь и УЖЕ перевернулся то где же движуха ???

So Zhorik said he would jerk it back and forth so no one would guess.

strangerr >>:

Так Жорик сказал, что подергает туда-сюда, чтоб никто не догадался.

and do you go in with large volumes?

yurok1987 >>:

а Вы большими объемами в сделку входите?

Whatever, but never more than 10%.

Good day all ....people tell me who sees the dollar yen .... I was shorting at 91.34 and now I've been sitting like an idiot for a couple of days and looking at the monitor what will happen .... ...and Uncle Kolya will come to visit ...yyyy
Forte, Galina, Sranger, call me back and see what happens to this pair ....Galina I think you're a pairs trucker ... what do you see on this pair ?
I see...
how long have you been trading?
yurok1987 >>:
а давно торгуете?

long time ago

strangerr >>:


I see... do you think it will go up from 50% of the phiba?