EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 1740

Galina >>:

Завтра новости важные выйдут, а еще в четверг, а еще месячная свеча закрывается.
Я в такую лажу соваться не хочу. Тем более что на горизоньте пока только реально маячили не более 70-100 пунктов.
Я на стопы больше отвожу.
Так что подожду пока лутших времен.
А если трэнд наверх начнется.. то даже при входе 1,3525 в нем сидеть до 1,38 можно бу.
А это как никак 300 пунктов.
И куда торопиться ???
Ну если вниз пойдем, так и это хорошо, там внизу все цели уже обозначены :)
Подожду пока.

And then Saturday is just around the corner.)))

strangerr писал(а) >>

Or merge.))

Yeah !
I have such suspicions...
That someone is already in danger of seeing 1.3317.... this morning.
Doesn't hurt boo ?


Pound is a stubborn bastard!

Bocman писал(а) >>

Please tell me your thought process.

Take your time.
"Well...the situation isn't quite clear here...well I'll get in the short, and if anything I'll stay in the short" - not good.
To take a pose when all the factors are for you. I think trading situations, in which you can make a profit, are very rare. And catching every movement is utopia.
And even when the situation occurs, you must enter AFTER the price has moved in your direction. And not "anticipating" a reversal.
Galina >>:

Ага !
У меня такие подозрения...
Что кое кто уже сегодня утром рискует увидеть 1,3317....
Не больно бу ?

Two orders, 5% of the deposit, not a bo))))), if it were a bo, I would put a sell stop, and we're going up, Galochka)))).

strangerr писал(а) >>

Two orders, 5% of the deposit, not a bo)))), if it were a bo, I would put a sell stop, and we are going up, Galochka)))).

Ah, well, OK.
You know better in longs.
On a bounce to long, no entry point ....
But it's possible to try from the gap's bottom :)
You should have waited at least until this point.

Asked Elke for a trading recommendation, she said, literally, "Don't get too excited, there's nothing interesting going on")).
Galina >>:

А, ну ладно.
Вам в лонгах то виднее.
На отскок в лонг, точка входа отсутствует....
Но мона от нижней границы гэпа попробовать :)
Надо было вам хотя бы этой отметки дождаться.

Galina, how nice it is to rake it all up on the way back.))

strangerr писал(а) >>
Asked Elke for trade recommendations, she said, verbatim: "Keep your head down, nothing interesting is happening."))

Can't even imagine who it is... :)
But apparently after a couple of black candles like this, she will doubt her words....
syan писал(а) >>

Opened 2 seals eurusd 3449, audusd 9144. I am going to close on Thursday or Friday.

so far +-40... strange i thought it would be the other way round today - aud is definitely on the plus side, euro in question... but aud threw a surprise... tonight we'll have to re-schedule...