EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 1660

Galina, you're not following the train of thought.))) 1.3267-1.3415-1.3330-40-1.36. Д: 1.5144-1.4210-1.4579-1.3434-1.3817-1.2250. Each tf has a different movement, why Forte is accused of saying down and up, he is referring to different tf and different movement sizes.
Galina >>:
Ну вас товарищ не понять ...
То вы в лонге от самого максимума, и при этом постоянно то рекомендации наверх, то внис даете.
То вы в шортах от минимумов, и при этом говарите что рости будем, потом что падать...
Че то вы как то неочень понятно на верке пишите.
Как то повнятней что ли надо.
А так, получается, то туда, то сюда...
strangerr >>:
Галина, вы не следите за ходом мысли.))) 1.3267-1.4215-1.3330-40-1.36. Д: 1.5144-1.4210-1.4579-1.3434-1.3817-1.2250. На каждом тф свое движение, почему Форте и обвиняют в том, что он говорит вниз-вверх, он имеет в виду разные тф и разные размеры движения.

So i understand correctly, you are now up to 1.4215, i.e. already from here according to you ?
and at the same time you are at 1.3340 ?
Normal trading :)
Galina, mmm...., on the DAILY TF all the digits except the last one have already been there, and look at the nearest movements on the first row of digits.
Galina >>:

то есть я правельно поняла, вы сейчас в целом евру наверх на 1.4215, то есть уже отсюда по вашему ?
и при этом вы в шртах на 1.3340 ???
Нормальная торговля :)
Guys, here's a cool article...
It seems that they have decided to help Greece, but they say they will have to wait a long time for help.
It's funny :)))
A little more chatting with you, madam, and a drink. ))))
Galina >>:
Ребята вот статейка прикольная...
Судя по сему, выходит, что помочь Греции вроди как и решились, но тут же говарят, что ждать помощи придется долго
Забавно как то получается :))
strangerr >>:
Еще немного пообщаюсь с вами, мадам, и запью.))))

That's what I'm talking about in the first row :)))
From what you've written, we're going to 1.42, then back to 1.33 and then to 1.36.
That's a load of bollocks, to be honest.
This is the picture here... how the wave indicator sees the target of this wave....

I realise it's not standard on wave 1 and 2, but ..... let's see.... I will get off sooner myself.... I will be deciding what to do next on monday... although if we reach it today, I will sell with target 3350 .... and then I'll see how it develops... maybe I'll go in or maybe I'll close .... it's too early for that...
oleniknik писал(а) >>
This is the picture here... how the wave indicator sees the target of this wave....

I realise it's not standard on wave 1 and 2 but ..... let's see.... I will get off sooner myself.... I will be deciding what to do next on monday... although if we reach it today, I will sell with target 3350 .... and then I'll see how it develops... maybe I'll go in or maybe I'll close .... it's too early for that ...

The indicator is drawing nonsense. :))) If the 2nd wave is lower than the 1st. How to believe this rectangle?

oleniknik wrote :>>

I was the one who put the 2nd wave down there... i was just wondering ... it's an experiment ..... see ....

Why? It's like pissing against the wind :)))

This is what a normal pulse should look like

Alexan >>:

Откровенную чушь рисует индикатор. :))) Если 2 волна ниже 1й. Как верить в этот прямоугольник?

I was the one who put the 2nd wave down there... i was just wondering ... it's an experiment ..... see ....

There was originally a top formed where the waveformer draws .... And then someone made such an interesting manoeuvre.... and fell just below the beginning of the 1st wave .... Maybe it was a false dip .... If you put the 2nd wave there the target is still the same, just a bit lower....

Also take into account besides the standard waves and the time of sessions ... that maneuver fell right in the last hour of Europe .... by the way, they were closing their shorts since early morning and started buying (by the way, today Europe also showed a desire to buy but not to sell...) And America was selling before the close... Let's see how it behaves today (today both Asia and Europe only bought) .... now for the last half hour in Dubai...
Galya, yochannaya babai, where's my 1.42 in the first row? It was a typo, which I corrected immediately, but you made it in time.))
Galina >>:

Ну так я и про первый ряд говарю :))
Судя по тому что вы написали нам теперь на 1.42, оттуда опять на 1.33, а потом на 1.36
Какая то лобудень если честно.