EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 1564

Galina >>:
Лиж бы только он дал мне возможность это сделать....
Лишь бы успеть......


RekkeR >>:


It's unseemly to ask such questions of a lady.))
Galina >>:
Всем привет !
Я думаю еврик сходит сейчас на 1.3618, оттуда отправится бомбить новые минимумы.
Я ВЫХОЖУ ИЗ ЛОНГОВ как только он там окажется.
Для еврика на мой взгляд песенка спета.
Лиж бы только он дал мне возможность это сделать....
Лишь бы успеть......

I don't know about 1.3618, but it looks like there will be time to think about it. If it has started to correct, then it is in no hurry.
Galina писал(а) >>
If only he would give me the opportunity to do so....
Just in time......

Gal, you've got to make up your mind. When you write, do you think or do you type? I'm just curious :))
Up, down... then up, then down... then ear, then ....... then...
You'll make it, don't worry, strangerr is aiming high up there. Let's sit down :))

RekkeR >>:


What's not to understand, I said on Friday that I would look at Monday and then make a final decision.
So I did.
Either my stop will be slammed when the lows are updated, or the profit will be triggered in the no-loss zone.
Look at the last week, everything is as plain as day.
The eurik would have had chances if it traded well on Monday, but unfortunately it did not.
A couple of days of sluggish dynamics with an upward trend, then it plummeted.
Eh people at 15 minutes pasta clamps down to the zero mark.... Often there are colossal movements after that...
If only to calculate correctly where......

oleniknik >>:
Эх народ на 15 минутке макароны зажимаются к нулевой отметке.... Часто после этого происходят колоссальные движения...
Рассчитать бы правильно куда......

Mm-hmm. It's a contraction. After that there is an expansion, and the correlation of the pairs after the contraction is unpredictable, say, before the contraction the pound was correlated with the euro, and after it can give the opposite correlation. That's the way it is. I.e. they are discussing who will go where now :)
But in this case everything seems to be on fire for a downward move of the euro.
By the way, in its principle it is very similar to the work of gamblers :) Trichet and Bernanke probably started in the collective farm market as well :)))

In fact, it seems to me that the worst is over, of course we can expect a failure, but with more it is over. The regressions are of course tilted downwards, but the price stubbornly holds 1.35. Nothing prevents the regressions to reverse upwards this week, any strong rally will do that. Generally, the situation reminds me the one when we were near 1.51. A lot of people expected a further break-up to the former heights, but we did not wait for that. A very cheap Euro is not good for America, a very expensive Euro is not good for Europe. The situation with Greece is apparently not that bad. The long-horse is still down, but it has already shown some false signals at 1.3475, which may signal the reversal. I continue to cautiously launch missiles to the north from the supports.
And I wonder what kind of currency Switzerland is going to buy on a large scale.... They announced it today...
What kind of currency do they want.... ? Who are they trading with? Who are they buying goods from?
oleniknik >>:
Эх народ на 15 минутке макароны зажимаются к нулевой отметке.... Часто после этого происходят колоссальные движения...
Рассчитать бы правильно куда......

does this indicator have NZD in it?