EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 1557

Elwave shows that the peak of the rise was two candles ago and now we are going down. Targets show 1.3420 and 1.3460.

Phew. Finally got through the 25 pages that have been written in two days... :))) Greetings to all khokhli from a khokhli from Kazakhstan. Exactly khokhlyats forum. :))))
Strangerr, found your town. Yeah, you went too far. You could say Europe is right here. Not like us here in the steppe with camels :)

I don't get it, did anyone guess the direction yesterday?


does elwave work in MT4?


The train is now departing. Please take your seats and get off the train. We're heading south.

Fibo >>:

а у тебя элвейв в МТ4 работает?

It takes the data from the MT.

and throw me a link where you downloaded it from. Are there instructions on how to transfer data from MT4?

Alexan >>:

Уффф. дочитал наконец те 25 страниц, что настрочили за 2 дня... :))) Привет всем хохлам от казахского хохла. Точно хохляцкий форум. :))))
strangerr, нашел твой город. Да ужжж, глубоко ты забрался. Европа можно сказать под боком. Не то что мы тут, в степи с верблюдами :)

Ну чето я не понял, хоть кто-нибудь направление угадал вчера?

I guessed on Friday still.))) Opened the buy and I'm sitting smoking and Gip is booing that it's all wrong guys.)))
Fibo >>:

а кинь ссылку откуда загружал.элвейв. А инструкция там есть по передаче данных с МТ4?

I don't remember where I downloaded it from, you can find it on the search, there is a lot of this stuff with instructions, I'll tell you how to export the quotes when you install it.
strangerr >>:

Я угадал в пятницу еще.))) Открыл бай и сижу курю, а Гип бухтит, что все не так ребята.)))

Of course not, why take such a risk? If it goes up, then you can buy. And I think you're fanfare with your desire to take 1500 points. Of course it's cool and everything, you can brag about it later, but it's better to take it easy, smaller and more reliable.

Tue 23.03

- Strong impact
- Medium impact
- Weak impact

Time Country Macroeconomic indicators Period Fact Forecast Previous Impact
02:50 Japan Bank of Japan meeting minutes publication n\a n\a
10:30 Switzerland Address by Philippe Hildebrand, President of the SNB Management Board n\a n\a
12:30 UK Consumer Price Index February 3.1% y/y 3.5% y/y
12:30 UK Mortgage applications approved February 34.3 ths. 35.1 ths
12:30 UK Core CPI February 3.0% y/y 3.1% y/y
12:30 UK Retail price index February 3.7% yr/year 3.7% yr/year
14:00 UK Wholesale and retail sales index March 20 23
15:30 Canada Index of leading indicators February 1.0% mom 0.9% mom
17:00 USA House sales on secondary market February 5.01 million 5.05 million
17:00 USA House Price Index January -0.9% mom -1.6% mom
17:00 USA Richmond manufacturing index March 3 2