EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 1532


Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi has said he fully supports plans to provide financial assistance to Greece, which is suffering from financial crisis. Moreover, the Italian leader said that if EU countries are not prepared to help a eurozone member state hit by an economic crisis, the very existence of the European Union is pointless.

Earlier German Chancellor Angela Merkel said there was no point in giving soft loans to Greece, because Greek government can cope with its problems by itself. Reuters

Imho, until open interest begins to wane, price will not go down, as price follows interest with a time lag:
Fraktal писал(а) >>

Look here, what do you recommend?

At 1.37 might not make it....
In my opinion, if there is to be a pullback, it won't be higher than 1.3618, and I question that.
Also, I think that at 1.3448 the eurik will go down already today.
Based on the above, one can draw certain conclusions.
In my opinion you have three options:
1. Invest as low as 1.3450, as you understand the risks are high,
And in this case you have to think firmly at what point you will close all this with a loss, if the pullback does not happen.
And as you understand such variant is possible (everything is possible in the market).
2. Close everything as soon as the market opens, accept the losses, especially since I understand your losses are not that big (although to each his own, some 5% is a lot).
You start over, take a break, take a rest, sometimes it's very useful, and the market will draw something more understandable for you.
You know, psychology has just started to work. You are obviously looking at the market with a biased view, otherwise you wouldn't ask who thinks what.
3. My least favourite....
Just leave your position till the end of time and then decide which one to let go. But there is no need to rush into this.
Here, the same advice, at least three days do not look in the market at all. When you do it again you'll know what to do :). You need to cool down. BUT BELIEVE,
As a rule, the locks are "in the plus" ONE ! It's very difficult, because everyone makes the same mistake: they close the plus position,
and the minus continues to accumulate. In this case, it's important to continue to look at the market with an independent eye,
to look at these positions as positions that have nothing to do with each other.
It's up to you, but I definitely wouldn't choose the latter option. I would probably choose the first one, but that is up to you and your nerves.

Alex_Xv >>:
Имхо, пока не начнется спад открытого интереса цена не пойдет вниз, так как цена идет следом за интересом с задержкой во времени:

I'm sorry, there may be a misunderstanding here. You have to be careful with your conclusions. Maybe right now there is just strong interest in selling the euro, i.e. shorts. and if, suddenly, the panic calms down and interest balances out.... i.e. will enter the equilibrium price phase. i.e. will resume buying the euro. look at the tail is up in interest, and the price chart goes down - looks like interest in selling the euro ....

By the way, in the standard set of indices there is this one. it shows the strength of the interest and at the same time shows what the interest is for.

Galina >>:

Thank you Galina! Probably more likely to fix the losses!

People, I think we're all maniacs!!!!
It's Sunday evening..... and we're staring at screens....
I think that's a diagnosis. ))))))
Let's at least have a drink or something.....
oleniknik писал(а) >>
Folks, I think we're all maniacs!!!!
Sunday evening..... and we're staring at screens....
I think that's a diagnosis. ))))))
Let's at least have a drink or something.....

Let's celebrate!!!!!

Good evening all ! ...

I think everyone wants to see a Gap... especially the situation on the chart is interesting...
Check the calendar... HUMOR :)
Only Trishu is speaking tonight, so we don't have much else to look forward to.....
Maybe the market will tighten up a bit, or maybe we'll fall back a bit.
All the interest at 19.30 MSK, that's where the excitement will start.
Anyway, let's go back to sleep :))))
By the way, nothing interesting on the calendar tomorrow either....
Looks like we can draw two little black candles :)))