EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 1478

Galina >>:

В чем суть вопроса то ???

It's just not like you.

Galina писал(а) >>

What's the point of the question?

so standing in the longs, assuring everyone.... And suddenly a radically opposite opinion!
Fibo писал(а) >>

so standing in the longs, assuring everyone.... and suddenly a radically opposite opinion!

You must be particularly gifted :)))
What has the above pair got to do with my longs?
Don't tell me: "Well, don't you see, it starts with the same three letters???"
BU GA GA !!!!!

Fibo >>:

так стояла в лонги, всех уверяла.... и вдруг радикально противоположное мнение!

That is the nature of forex, that we have to change our views on the pair.
I disagree with Galina again, though, the eu should be bought.

NikT_58 писал(а) >>

That is the nature of forex, that we have to change our views on the pair.
I disagree with Galina again, though. The eu should be bought.

Right. From about 1.33.
NikT_58 писал(а) >>

That is the nature of forex, that we have to change our views on the pair.
I disagree with Galina again, though. The eu should be bought.

What are we talking about?
I personally am saying that the EURA CANADEC will go down at least 1.35.
And also that the EURA DOLLAR should be bought :)
But it is not important for me, as long as it doesn't go lower than 1.3470 and that's it.

NikT_58 >>:

тем и характерен форекс, что мы должны менять свои взгляды на пару.
Правда я опять несогласен с Галиной Евру надо покупать

Next week.
Galina >>:

Мы сейчас о чем говарим ?
Я лично о том что ЕВРА КАНАДЕЦ опустится как минимум на 1.35.
И еще о том что ЕВРА ДОЛЛАР надо покупать :)
Но мне не принципиально просто откуда, главное что бы не ниже 1.3470 и все .


Fibo писал(а) >>

Right. From about 1.33.

>> not from 1.3580.
strangerr писал(а) >>

Next week.

>> that's right, Monday morning.