EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 1325

baltik >>:

Угу судя по этому мы точно у точки разворота
22:00 СШАЕжемесячный отчет об исполнении бюджета / Federal Budget BalanceФевраль-42.6B
Хотя есть и такой прогноз

These forecasts are a matter of tenths, the buying by commercial traders on the Euro is off the charts. And some "comrades" like MasterforexB are screaming that Soros is going to drop the euro to 1.0000.))))
This is the stuff they sent me today:

An expensive euro is not good for Europe. If the euro rises strongly, not only Greece but other countries will also peak. Europe does not need it.

Further up?
LeoV >>:

Дорогой евро Европе не выгоден. При сильном росте евро в пике войдёт не только Греция, но и другие страны. Европе это нах не нужно.

Do the states need the cheap euro?
strangerr писал(а) >>

Do the states need a cheap euro?

The states benefit from a cheap dollar and therefore an expensive euro. Therein lies the tricky part of the euro-dollar ))))
strangerr >>:

Эти прогнозы дело десятое, покупки комерческих трейдеров по евро зашкаливают. А некоторые "товарисчи", такие как МастерфорексВ, кричат о том, что Сорос собирается уронить евро до 1.0000.))))

As one of the milestones, by mid-summer, this is being prophesied on the anarchist forum, Hazin etc. etc. So far it's coming true. So hmmm.
What level are we going to grow to? Who has a guess?
Alex_Xv >>:
До какого уровня расти будем??? У кого какие предположения?


strangerr писал(а) >> buying by commercial traders on the euro is off the charts

Just because the majority buys doesn't mean it will at all. Rather on the contrary, knowing the "charms" of forex, it just has to fuck up the majority in order to feed the minority )))