EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 1290

strangerr >>:
Галина, баи закрывать будете?)))

What's the point for Galina?

50/50, normal complex correction in a downtrend, we're at +-+- retrospective point.

When has that ever stopped her?


Dow Jones Newswires

(From The Wall Street Journal)
By Marcus Walker and Bob Davies
Germany has voiced support for the creation of a "European Monetary Fund" that could rescue the country's eurozone debt, showing how the Greek debt crisis is forcing Europe to rethink the institutional design of its common currency area.
German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble said he would "present proposals soon" for a new eurozone institution that has "comparable powers to intervene" in the International Monetary Fund.
In an interview with German newspaper Welt Am Sonntag, Mr Schäuble said the eurozone should learn from the Greek upheaval, which highlighted the lack of tools in the region to address member states' risks of default.
Any European Monetary Fund would take too long to set up could not be used for Greece's current problems, European officials said. But the idea is part of a wider debate in Europe about the need for Eurozone governments to more closely link their economic and fiscal policies. At present they share a common monetary policy, but no parallel political union.
European Union treaties prevent the existing institutions of the European Union, to save the country from fighting, and national governments such as Germany, fearing the wrath of the voters, do not want to risk their taxpayers' money 'directly on countries such as Greece.
At the same time, most euro area governments oppose renting their turn to a euro member of the IMF, which has both the financial firepower and experience negotiating economic adjustment programs with countries largely strained financially.
"Accepting financial assistance through the International Monetary Fund would, in my view, be an admission that EU countries cannot solve their problems with their own efforts," Mr Schäuble says.
Disagreement over the issue has emerged even within the German government, as German Chancellor Angela Merkel is more open than her finance minister to allowing the IMF to play a bigger role in Greece, according to people familiar with her thinking.
The IMF is likely to be cautious about any new regional financing mechanism in Europe, although Mr Schaeuble has said that any new mechanisms should not compete with the IMF. The Washington-based fund sees itself as the world's main economic venue for the Response Group and fears that regional funds could distract from its mission.
"We have no idea as we have no information on what has been proposed," an IMF spokesman said.
The euro zone is the second region considers itself closed to the IMF, following the developing nations of Asia. After tough conditions IMF insisted on bailing out Asian countries during the financial crisis in that country in 1997 and 1998, a number of countries - particularly Japan - offered the Asian Monetary Fund.
The IMF and the U.S. government rescinded this offer, which they regarded as a go-it-alone strategy for the world's fastest-growing countries.
In practice, Asian countries have reduced the influence of the IMF by dumping their reserves as well as through free pooling of reserves called the Chiang Mai Initiative.
Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou, who announced austerity measures last week, won verbal support from French President Nicolas Sarkozy during a visit to Paris on Sunday. Mr Sarkozy said a number of EU countries were preparing a package of proposals to support Greece, although he did not believe a Greek government would be needed.
"There are specific, precise instruments that we are exploring, of which we will not disclose any details today, but which will allow us to show, when the time comes, that not only will Greece have political support, it will be supported in every possible aspect, "Mr Sarkozy. French Finance Minister Christine Lagarde is working on a plan with EU peers, the president of the European Central Bank and the head of the European Commission, he said.
But Greece has been unable to secure concrete promises of financial assistance from eurozone governments unless it can borrow enough on the bond markets. Greece faces debt repayments of around €22bn ($30bn) in April and May.
Mrs Merkel cited resistance to bilateral aid from other European governments, fearing a backlash from voters ahead of key regional elections in Germany in May. Last week Mrs Merkel extended warm words to Mr Papandreou during a visit to Berlin, but not a single offer to fund the guarantees for which Greek officials had hoped.
Mr Papandreou will visit US President Barack Obama on Monday in Washington, a trip Greek officials say signals Greece has friends outside Europe. Mr Papandreou said the reluctance of European governments to help could force his country to turn to the IMF.
gip >>:

А какой смысл для Галины?

50/50, нормальная сложная коррекция в нисходящем тренде, мы в +-+- ретроспективной точке.

Когда это её останавливало?


Larry Williams wrote in one of his books that his bad habit is holding a position too long, but compared to Galina he's just a kid with a slingshot.))
strangerr писал(а) >>
Galina, will you close the bai?)))

I have already written today, but apparently not everyone understood :)

I think the eurik is at the very beginning of a new upward momentum.

So you are seriously suggesting me to close the position ????.

It's like the low at 1.3470 to enter the lock ...

Excuse me...


Galina, what do you think of the pound? You promised a close last week around 1.4700!
Fraktal >>:
Галина, что на счет фунта думаете? Вы обещали закрытие на прошлой неделе в районе 1,4700!

Well, if the pound is around 1.47, then the euro is 1.33.)))
strangerr >>:

Ну, если фунт в районе 1.47, то евро 1.33.)))

That's what I mean too!

Galina >>:

Я уже сегодня написада, но видно не все поняли :)

Я считаю еврик сейчас у самого начала нового импульса наверх.

И что вы мне в серьез предлогаете закрыть позу ????

Это как на самом минимуме по 1.3470 в замок войти ...

Ушь извините...


Galina, this new upward momentum is strange. ))))
strangerr писал(а) >>

Galina, this new upward momentum is weird. ))))

When the eurik arrives at 1.40, welcome to the shorts :)))

There you will surely believe in the downward movement :)))

And then, what seemed so strange to you there?

The usual price fluctuations.

They are always strange :)))

Fraktal писал(а) >>
Galina, what do you think about the pound? You promised last week to close around 1.4700!

And I wouldn't get excited about the pound if I were you.

My figure for it was and still is.

I shouldn't have promised it last week, it's a mistake.

But don't get excited, it'll correct now and then go down.

It's not over yet.