EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 1117


Here is a possible triangle on the watch. Well, if I'm wrong about the beginning of the wave, it won't go up, it will go down. The red lines are the approximate critical levels to confirm the breakout. Well, frankly speaking, it is a very lopsided triangle. I do not like it very much. Tomorrow we'll see what actually happens.

Alexan >>:

Типа подкалываешь? Ню-ню...

It's always nice to talk to an intelligent person.

That's the second time you've got me right :)
Alexan писал(а) >>

Here is a possible triangle on the watch. Well, if I'm wrong about the beginning of the wave, it won't go up, it will go down. The red lines are the approximate critical levels to confirm the breakout. Well, frankly speaking, it is a very lopsided triangle. I do not like it very much. Tomorrow we'll see what it really is.

Well, yeah :)

It's a good one, I like it...

And then higher and higher.... straight to the stars....

Alexan >>:

Didn't take the trouble to redraw the letters) seems to be your least favourite thing to do....


as I read and built it I found that the break down - look closely here a triangle has formed and the channel is nicely directed down the support line, so in any case the price will tend down to the lower border of the channel i.e. to the point of 1.3465


In general, from all of the above mentioned constructions of the wolf and channels, the price should come to the price at 1.3455, this pre-delta has broken just to the point as it is described 3/4 from the beginning of the triangle.

forte928 >>:

В общем из всего ранее перечисленого из построений вульфа и каналов в принципе цена должна прийти к ценое в район 1.3455 по класике этот преугольник пробило как раз к точке как это описано 3/4 от начала треугольника пока все это писал уже два ордера сыграли в сумме в 60п.


Both in terms of level and timing, the forecast worked out very well. I'm shocked. How do you do it?

time is very closely related to anticipated events ... it does not depend on people - the price people can still manage, but time is out of people's control - they do not act randomly, but according to a predetermined impulse - this is the future that we are all trying to guess - in every person's life the same laws of time apply as in the market - it is just that we can break the market down into prices and time, while it is harder and more complicated to describe our lives in mathematical terms each day, although three criteria would give a clear picture of the coming events in our lives
AK_ >>:


И по уровню, и по времени прогноз отработал на ура. Я в шоке. Как Вы это делаете ?

Ahh, yelling again. Where on the level? The 170 pts down didn't make it to 1.345. Or... it doesn't seem to matter to you, as long as you shout "bravo"... yell...
gip >>:

Ааа, опять орут. Где по уровню? 170 пт вниз не прошли 1.345 не достигли. Или... впрочем пхоже тебе не важно, главное проорать "браво"... ну ори...

At 3am the eu went down from 1.3545 exactly as predicted. What more do you want?