EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 1070

strangerr писал(а) >>

A reversal of the Euro at this stage is only possible from 1.3420, if it goes up from there, the target will be 1.3720.

I mean, if we don't break 3582 now, it's going to take at least until the morning.

syan >>:

я к тому что если мы сейчас не пробьем 3582 то движение куда-либо затянется как минимум до утра

I'm not talking about today, the forecast from tf H4.

Strangerr - I didn't post this - but it works like a ball in a tube and there's two wrong and there's two wrong.


I don't see why the eu would go up. And after a rate hike.

As always, the real reasons are unknown and if it does start to rise, it will mean something... We shall see. But for tomorrow I plan at least to reach the border of the channel up, judging from today's trajectory.

baltik >>:

Ни чего не понял :) Китайски школьники что-то взломали но те отрицают ввиду простого совпадения ипшника и идут в отмазу

googlе вообще мой любимый ресурс даже почта уже пол года там

но перевод такой плохой особенно технического языка

Форте цели можете определить - есественно примерные

On his layout climb to 1.3735 from 3560... see the masterclass

baltik >>:

Strangerr - не я это выкладывал - но работает прыгает как мячик в трубе и там 2 раза не там и тут два скока не скок

good stuff)))

Good hunting to all !

The signal is a signal, but below 1.3555 for the third time



OlegTs >>:

по его раскладке подъем до 1.3735 с 3560..., посмотрим мастер-класс

From 1.3561 there could be a rise to 1.3618, but that's a short term trend.

Right now go further down.


Any thoughts on the pound?

baltik >>:

Ни чего не понял :) Китайски школьники что-то взломали но те отрицают ввиду простого совпадения ипшника и идут в отмазу

It's not actually schoolchildren. This is the notorious story of the attack on Google and other companies' servers, which has led to further political friction between the US and China. The US tried to resolve the issue through official channels. Apparently because it is not the first hack from the Chinese side and the Chinese are unwilling to investigate anything.

Well because of politics and China with the US, it's in the economic news.