EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 899

What will happen to the pound today ? Anyone have any predictions on the pound ?
Dollar/yen pair heading for 88.25

LONDON, Jan 27 (ANI). /Dow Jones/. Moving charts for 24 hours:
Spot at 05.37 GMT 1.4065 89.22 1.6125 1.0468
Three-day trend Down Down Down Up
Weekly trend Down Down Down Up
200-day scol.cp 1.4350 92.54 1.6209 1.0529
3rd resistance 1.4195 91.88 1.6310 1.0583
2nd resistance 1.4128 90.56 1.6267 1.0509
1st resistance 1.4107 89.77 1.6200 1.0497
Pivot point* 1.4098 89.85 1.6168 1.0445
1st support 1.4029 88.84 1.6080 1.0425
2nd support 1.4000 88.25 1.5975 1.0378
3rd support 1.3911 87.36 1.5896 1.0368

Quotes on the spot: EUR/GBP EUR/JPY EUR/CHF AUD/USD
Spot at 05.56 GMT 0.8722 125.44 1.4719 0.9003
Three-day trend Lateral trend Down Lateral trend Down
Weekly trend Down Down Down Lateral trend
200 dn slope cf. 0.8863 132.69 1.5086 0.8592
3rd resistance 0.8855 128.38 1.4772 0.9144
2nd resistance 0.8794 127.39 1.4747 0.9093
1st resistance 0.8752 126.45 1.4735 0.9045
Pivot point* 0.8712 126.74 1.4724 0.9177
1st support 0.8667 125.00 1.4706 0.8939
2nd support 0.8651 124.38 1.4672 0.8903
3rd support 0.8570 123.75 1.4590 0.8877

The dollar will continue to strengthen. Russia has a big influence on the price of the dollar. It has bought it up and it has gone up in price. This year Russia must carry out a series of reforms that would integrate into the global economy. China, India, South Africa and other emerging economies may create a new union where Russia will play a bigger role. Or the dollar will expand at the expense of these countries.

fasklo >>:

Долар еще будет укрепляться.Большое влияние на цену доляра имеет Россия.Она произвела скупку вот он и подорожал.

Holy shit. Russia has certainly had a sneaky effect on the dollar by buying up 0.00001% of the world's dollar reserves. Now we'll know who the shadow leader of the world economy is.

City: TC ISIN:
Ticker: GBP DATE: 2010-01-27 11:59
1 week Trend: (=) 1 month Trend: (=)

Last : 1.62
SUP 1% : -0.39
RES 1% : 0.07

GBP/USD intraday: The key resistance line is located at 1.6225.

Our pivot point is at 1.6225.

Our view: SELL below 1.6225 with targets at 1.615 and 1.6095.

Alternative scenario: an upside break of 1.6225 would open the way to 1.6275 and 1.6313.

Analysis : The upside potential may be limited by the resistance level at 1.6225.

Key levels
1.6214 last price
City: TC ISIN: EU0009652759
Ticker: EUR DATE: 2010-01-27 11:58 AM
1 week Trend: (=) 1 month Trend: (=)

Last : 1.41
SUP 1% : -0.23
RES 1% : 0.45

EUR/USD intraday: It is set in a downtrend.

Our pivot point is at 1.4125.

Our view: SELL below 1.4125 with targets at 1.403 and 1.4.

Alternate scenario: an upside break of 1.4125 would open the way to 1.418 and 1.422.

Analysis : RSI is mixed, but with a bearish trend.

Key levels
brodiaqa писал(а) >>
City: TC ISIN: EU0009652759
Ticker: EUR DATE: 2010-01-27 11:58 AM
1 week Trend: (=) 1 month Trend: (=)

Last : 1.41
SUP 1% : -0.23
RES 1% : 0.45

EUR/USD Intraday: It is set in a downtrend.

Our pivot point is at 1.4125.

Our view: SELL below 1.4125 with targets at 1.403 and 1.4.

Alternate scenario: an upside break of 1.4125 would open the way to 1.418 and 1.422.

Analysis : RSI is mixed, but with a bearish trend.

Key levels

It looks like the analytics from "Trading Central" = forecasts from the ball:

1. They don't "guess" the direction of travel at all. In my statistics they only give one correct prediction per about 50-86 - wrong predictions in a row! And that one they give out, sometimes after the event has happened (taking into account time differences, etc.)

2. Often the market is in a flat, sideways movement. Trading Central does not seem to have such a notion (they always have a trend on M30). Recently, a "triangle" has formed on EURUSD in the flat. Trading Central did not notice such an obvious figure and every day it made a forecast about the down movement. When the chart went up towards the end, TC changed its forecast to bullish. When they put it out, the chart turned around and went down. It was already moving downwards at full speed, and they wrote that it was moving up. And they have such an embarrassment almost every trading day. They redo their unfulfilled "forecasts" in a hurry, and when they show the opposite one, the market has gone the other way or sideways.

3. They do not determine the support/resistance levels well. Here we can say a simple indicator that sets these levels is of higher quality than the entire trader's office.

They end up with everything out of whack. And the most important proof of this is their poverty (they don't even have a proper website). Yes, as one successful trader (you know who) said "if you're so smart, why am I so rich". If their predictions were worth something, they would be paid more actively - they would have a better brand. Money is money.

So their analysis is shit on a stick in a glass jar.



waitra >>:

Похоже на аналитику от "Трейдинг Централ" = прогнозы от балды:

1. Направление движения вообще не «угадывают». По моей статистике они дают всего один верный прогноз на примерно 50-86 – ошибочных прогнозов подряд! И тот выдают, бывает, после того, как событие произошло (с учетом разницы во времени и .тд.)

2. Часто рынок бывает во флете, в боковом движении. У трейдинг централа такое понятие вообще похоже отсутствует (у них всегда тренд на М30). Вот недавно ситуация на EURUSD во влете образовался «треугольник». Трейдинг централ не заметил такую очевидную фигуру, и выдавал каждый день прогноз о рывке вниз. Когда же под конец график пошел вверх, ТЦ переделал свой прогноз на бычий. Когда они его выложили, график развернулся и пошел вниз. Он уже летел вниз на всех парах, а они писали о наравлении вверх. И такое позорище у них чуть ли каждый торговый день. Они свои несбывшиеся «прогнозы» в спешке переделывают, а когда выкладывают противоположный, - рынок уже пошел в другую сторону или в бок.

3. Уровни поддержки/сопротивления определяют плохо. Здесь можно сказать простенький индикатор, который ставит эти уровни на порядок качественнее, чем вся трейцентраловкая контора.

В итоге все у них невпопад. И самое главное доказательство этому – их нищета (даже сайта нормально нету). Да-да, как сказал один успешный трейдер (сами знаете кто) «если вы такие умные – то почему я такой богатый». Если бы их прогнозы чего-то стоили, платили бы им по-активнее – у них был бренд по приличнее. Деньги к деньгам тянуться.

Так что их аналитика - это говно на палочке в стеклянной баночке.

Don't get mad ))))

They wrote there that it's our opinion "Our opinion: SELL below 1.4125 with targets 1.403 and 1.4." I think everyone has the right to express their opinion. No one is saying that any forecast can be 100% accurate. If there is such a brave one that can give a 100% prediction let him come forward. And you have the right to criticize, of course. Moreover, it is not my opinion. And I agree that they often make false predictions to confuse traders. But everyone has his own trading strategy.

rustein писал(а) >>


Breakout could be, but strong support resistance )) spoils the whole picture. Let's wait.