EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 895

Jan 26 /Dow Jones/. The dominant downward pressure on the euro/U.S. dollar pair is returning as a decline from Monday's correctional high of 1.4195 has targeted the pair to a low of 1.4029. This low roughly coincides with the psychologically important 1.4000 level. Nevertheless, a clear breakout of 1.4029 towards 1.3911 and 1.3832, the bullish pennant low of July 8, is likely. A break-up of 1.4131 would give the pair some breathing room, though only a rise above 1.4195 would open the way to the 1.4252 area. At the time of writing the EUR/USD was trading at 1.4100.

Axel comments

EUR/USD during the day: The pair has declined from Monday's corrective high of 1.4195 and is again targeting the low of 1.4029. This low protects the psychological important 1.4000 area and only a sustained weakening will allow short-term investors betting on the decline to take control and target the pair at 1.3832. Only a break-up of 1.4195 will negate the negative prospects and target the pair at 1.4252.

EUR/USD on the weekly chart: Downtrend.

USD/JPY during the day: Market participants betting on the pair's decline have confidently regained control in the short term and the pair continued its slide from the lower high of 91.88 to new monthly lows. The 89.30 mark is the nearest downside target but there is room for further downside to 88.84 and the 88.25 area. The pair needs to surpass 90.56 in order to challenge the negative outlook, but its gains are limited at this stage.

USD/JPY on the weekly chart: Downtrend.

GBP/USD on the day: The pair steadily rose from Friday's low of 1.6080, which marked a short-term bearish failure, and then aimed for a lower high of 1.6283. A rise above that level would consolidate the 'bearish failure' and trigger further gains to 1.6394 and the January 19 high of 1.6458. Only a fall below 1.6080 would negate the pair's positive prospects and create a downside risk to 1.5896.

GBP/USD on the weekly chart: Downtrend.

USD/CHF during the day: The pair on Monday confirmed the formation of a bearish low at 1.0368, which triggered its rise. A break of 1.0446 again targeted the pair at the January 21 high of 1.0497. The December 17 high of 1.0509 is in close proximity and a breakout to a new five-week high above that level is expected this week, which will create room for a rally to the 1.0620 area. Only a fall below 1.0368 would negate the positive outlook for the pair.

USD/CHF on the weekly chart: Uptrend.

EUR/GBP during the day: The pair fell sharply from Monday's high of 0.8794 and there is a risk that the pair will continue falling towards the low of 0.8651. A break below that level would target the pair for further declines towards a cluster of support levels around 0.8570, a downward projection from the lower November and December highs. Only a rise in the pair above 0.8794 would negate the negative outlook.

EUR/GBP on the weekly chart: Downtrend.

EUR/JPY during the day: The pair showed another decline after falling sharply from 128.38 and reaching new 8-9 month lows below 126.93. The nearest target is the 125.50 support area, representing a 50% retracement of the drop wave from 139.26 to 112.08. However, the pair could also reach the higher low of late April 2009 at 124.38. Only a rise above 128.38 would negate the downside prospects, with the pair's rise likely to be confined to the 127.25 area.

EUR/JPY on the weekly chart: Downtrend.

EUR/CHF on the day: The pair continued its decline from Friday's correctional high at 1.4747 and a break-down of 1.4707 created room for further declines towards the higher low at 1.4692. If that level fails to hold, the pair will again target the January 21 low of 1.4672. A break above 1.4735 would give the pair a breather and indicate a return to the high of 1.4747.

EUR/CHF on the weekly chart: It is in a downtrend.

AUD/USD during the day: The short-term negative tone is still dominant and the pair made a new three-week low below 0.8984 and is set to continue dropping to 0.8903 and 0.8877. The pair needs to surpass 0.9025 to get a breather, though only a rise above the lower high of 0.9093 would negate the negative outlook.

AUD/USD: A sideways trend.

Damn... I haven't seen such candles on H1 in a long time! GBP/USD are fleeing like rats from a sinking ship))))) and the dollar is getting stronger!

Awesome, the pound managed to ride down as much as two times :-) Yesterday's prediction worked out 100%.

(Last week's Eurobucks forecast also came to fruition. Waiting for the American session)

What about the pound? Which way is it going to go? North, south and to what point?

The pound is fucked... far out of target!

still got the important 6090-80 mark ahead... watching... the resistances are there, so 1.6127/1.6080/1.6000 so...

brodiaqa >>:
а что с фунтом будет ? куда пойдем? на север, на юг и до какой отметки?

south to about 1.6060... I don't see anything beyond that...

Yeah, I got caught with the pound. See
brodiaqa писал(а) >>
What about the pound ? where do we go ? north, south and to what point ?

Will depend on US data, if it contributes, next test 1.607

waitra >>:

Будет зависеть от данных США, если поспособствуют, следующий тест 1.607

I see, thank you very much. Let's see what happens next.