EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 887

Kentsfield писал(а) >>

Almost believe it.

On D1, the divert is almost formed at rsi 14

What are your reasons?

Why so categorical?

You must be new to this, it's a newbie yourself ))))

Helex >>:

Ты видать новенький, это ж сам енйроба )))

No, he's not.

I've heard of it

So what's the story?

Is Niroba a cunt? Or is he?

What do you think, I think it's a good scenario.

The americans are stealing oil from Iran while they can-our prices are moving out of the Asian market.Winter prices are high-spring prices will drop.The americans have screwed up all politics in Asia,they must leave iraq if they lose oil-Abama will not forgive them.We will start dictating oil prices for a short time,then Asia will make prices.As an outdated organization, Apek may not satisfy everyone, but it may survive. Oil prices cannot be predicted as it is a strategic raw material and the entire countries fight over it.They promise up to $50 per barrel this summer and we will see if the dollar-euro is going down and then will go up-ops when: if we talk to our bankers and the central bank in the kitchen and ask them what they plan to do and Abama, we could guess what kind of fight it will be in the Forex market.For now, this mystery is murky, but talk about ruble devaluation is getting persistent - they say that in the next year or two the ruble will cost $0.7-0.9 and the euro-2.4. I doubt it. I read foreign analysts, they predicted these developments until 2020.
I see the circus has arrived again.
I am not betting long term now, I am working on 30 minutes. May be the strategy is good - there are 170 to 700 points a day, losing 50 to 250 points a day.
T-G писал(а) >>

Now more details - do you think EURbucks will rise to 1.4161 first and then fall?

The Eurobucks is now stabilized at the level of the opening, the news are balanced, we will see, the range is there and the outlook is there for the week

waitra >>:

Кто на какой максимум ставит по EURUSD ? - откуда евра отправится в погружение :-)

Полагаю 1.4161

I swear I'm going to that area too, I think you can sell from any point now, you can't go wrong. :)
forex-k >>:

ена это неуловимый джо

The yen usually strengthens like this when the dollar strengthens against other currencies, in one case the risk appetite simply snuffs it out, in short the second wave of the crisis is not far off! W




skip to .... WHAT'S HAPPENING

Come on ... don't be stingy with the gingerbread .... :) :)

Do YOU have any idea of a bearish pattern reversal

I think Friday will be flat with a correction bias