EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 860

go, and even much lower
Goje >>:
пойдём, и даже намного ниже

Exactly! But for the first time, let's stop exactly at 1.6050. Let's see,
this is purely my opinion and my calculations :) But having passed (even if not the first time) 1.6050, the second target will be 1.5860, if we are talking about global things.

Well, for those who want to earn fast, I would wait for a pullback to 1.6300-1.6260 and put a sell order to 1.6100. I would put a stop at 1.6360. But I will finish this month on the Jew, I do not touch the pound.

Noterday >>:

В точку! Но первый раз остановимся именно на 1.6050. Посмотрим,
это чисто моё мнение и мои расчеты :) Но пройдя (пусть и не с первого раза) 1.6050, вторая цель будет 1.5860.

I think we will go lower as well. Just wanted to know how global you see the decline. I see the strongest decline in all the pound crosses (down to parity with the euro). I wanted to check my calculations against yours.


Right. To sum up this week, I will say the following:

1) The Eur, in my opinion, after a long torment, finally surrendered to the Americans :)

2) The wave (C) has started, and maybe even a big 3rd wave IMHO, it is possible to judge only after the breakthrough of 1.4210.

3) We need to be careful in medium-term selling, and pay special attention to the area marked with an elipse! A reversal is possible, despite the breach of 1.4210!!!!!

4) See the rest of the various options in the screenshot.

If I find anything else important to report - I will certainly write.

Have a nice weekend, have a nice rest :)


And here, the big picture I'm sticking to! D1:

Noterday >>:

Так. Подводя итог этой недели, скажу следующее:

Did you sell it or do you still have that old sell?

And by the pound, that "bullshit" is also talking about selling out!

gip >>:

Продал или у тебя ещё тот старый селл висит?

I closed the old sell with a loss... But I opened it, it makes me laugh now)))) In the agony of a series of amazing profits my brain had stopped working, my heart started to work, and I want more, more, more! :) There you go...

I say again - you can be a genius, but if you're greedy or gamblish or hot-tempered - Forex is not for you... You have to deprive yourself of these qualities. But I am not greedy in life, but in Forex it slips sometimes, although psychologically greed is the desire to get a good income from work done -.... OK, I don't need to worry so much about it for the night :) Bye everyone!

What mark will we reach on Monday?
Noterday >>:

Старый селл закрыл с убытком... А открыл его блин, аж самому теперь смешно)))) В агонии череды офигенных заработков отключился мозг, начало работать сердце, и желание ЕЩЕ ЕЩЕ ЕЩЕ и ЕЩЕ больше!!! :) Вот так...

Повторюсь - можно быть гением, но если ты жадный или азартный или вспыльчивый - форекс не для тебя...Нужно лишать себя таких качеств. Вот я по жизне не жадный, но в форексе иногда проскакивает, хотя в психологическом плане - жадность это желание получить хороший доход от проделанной работы.... Ладно, на ночь не надо так заморачиваться :) Всем пока!

Are you good at forex? How much do you earn per month? What is your deposit?


I don't expect to go down. I don't really see the prerequisites. I am more inclined to think that the pre-New Year's rally was caused by banal overbought.

But of course I don't know. But there seems to be no next wave of crisis.