EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 459

torgash писал(а) >>

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О !!!!

Thank you very much :)))


Here's the Euro/lb...

Nothing too natural... Less reading and more self-analysis...

Levels at 0.9075, decline 0.8743.

sworder писал(а) >>

However, the EUR/USD is a reflection of the global market situation, markets go down, the EUR goes down and everyone runs to the USD. Markets rise - the quid falls - the eu rises. This is why the EUR/USD currency pair is falling faster than it is growing globally. When the dollar loses its function, then this dependence will change....

I agree

>> The yen should be considered in this context, though - with it the karting is more complete.

Niroba's builds may be correct in terms of levels but in terms of time he is a complete failure and with that he is like an unreliable patient - every time the same thing in all the six years he has been hanging around - not on one forum...

There's the eurick making a mess ..... poor guy......

Nano's going down a bit more .....

Of course, the dollar franc is headed upwards .....
forte928 писал(а) >>
Niroba may be correct as far as levels are concerned, but in terms of time he is a complete failure and he has the same problem as a patient without the confidence... Every time he's been doing it for six years, he's been doing it in more than one forum...

No, no, don't talk about Niroba. He has nothing to do with it.

It's the pound's doing the kneading.

I think he's gonna give his sigmas the right way... (>> that's the bet.)

All the euras have gone flying.....
Galina писал(а) >>
Of course, the dollar franc is going up .....

it looks like SNB made another bounce on EURCHF today

There is no other way, until the Central Bank gives it back, speculators don't understand a thing

We have been moving and are still moving on the calculated we have to see if we are going to reverse or go further down....