EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 333


WANTED ! Let it fall !!!


will go on the new high :(((
Galina писал(а) >>

If you look at this thread, I have been sending it down from this point for a very long time.

But, the tastiest short will probably be on the Aussie to the dollar.

On your advice I met Uncle Kolya, who brought a fat moose with him :) I lost one depo :( all my hard-earned money. Careful what you say if you're not sure of the outcome. After all, the crowd is coming for advice....

Pitbull писал(а) >>

On your advice, I met Uncle Kolya, who brought a fat moose with him :) One depot lost :( all the hard-earned money. Careful with your comments if you're not sure of the outcome. After all, the crowd goes for advice....

Galina offered advice, but not advice... So it's up to you.


And about today's recommendations - today it was clearly and clearly said about the flat market, and there is no possibility to make any assumptions about the market direction, on the page 319 the picture was shown and explained that at the moment the market has reached the point of consolidation and therefore today's movement may be a local nature multidirectional activity after two days will begin the next phase of movement in what direction it will be possible to tell only tomorrow after dinner.

Sorry, wrong page 331 page

Pitbull >> :

On your advice, I met Uncle Kolya, who brought a fat moose with him :) One depot lost :( all the hard-earned money. Careful with your comments if you're not sure of the outcome. After all, the crowd is coming for advice....

You have to use no more than 10% of your deposit in a trade, pros use even less - 5% and 3%. You must have made the entire DEPO?

Pitbull писал(а) >>

On your advice, I met Uncle Kolya, who brought a fat moose with him :) One depot lost :( all the hard-earned money. Careful with your comments if you're not sure of the outcome. After all, the crowd is coming for advice....

I used to open 4 or 5 online trading forums and followed the advice of their "gurus"... That's how I lost my first deposit. And you didn't have enough money for just "Galina" :)

sever29 писал(а) >>

I used to open four or five online trading forums and follow the advice of their "gurus"... That's how I lost my first deposit. And you didn't have enough money for just "Galina" :)

And now you're making your own decisions?

sever29 >> :

I used to open four or five online trading forums and follow the advice of their "gurus"... That's how I lost my first deposit. And you didn't have enough money for just "Galina" :)

It's always like that with women - you never have enough money for them. 8))))) - They can't get enough, they can't get enough. 8))))

forte928 писал(а) >>

Are you making your own decisions now?

>> yes