AMD or Intel as well as the memory brand - page 24

Svinozavr >> :

Cheap and cheap (4k). Sped it up from 2.8 to 3.7 and that's it!

Mine is cheap too, about 3600. Well I can do it too, from 2.53 to the same frequency. And I think the result will be just as good.

Mathemat >> :

Mine is also cheap, on the order of 3600. Well, I can do that too, from 2.53 to the same frequency. And I think the result will be just as good.

If I could add one more core to the 7200 ... ))) (The 720 has four cores if you're lucky.)

Mathemat >> :

Mine is also cheap, about 3600. Well I can do it too, with 2.53 to the same frequency. And the result, I think, will be not worse.

AMD 5050e ~ 2000 roubles + MB ~ 2500 roubles

Mathemat >> :

begemot31, please show also the optimizations (preferably both, by openings and by ticks), eh? Both Xeon and Opteron.

I'll try, but no promises. After the weekend anyway. But the outcome is really quite predictable

joo >> :

To begemot61 -> My friend, like me, also deals with engineering calculations, two years ago, in order to reduce the tedious waiting time for calculations in ANSYS and ABAQUS, decided to buy hardware for "real men", built a computer with two Xeons, 16G RAM. The model of the CPU I can no longer remember. The computer then cost him 200000 rubles. My "weak" Atlon was tearing it up, showing three times less time. Multi-threaded calculations.

I can easily believe it. Especially if the Xeon was P4 based. 2.5 years ago we were just moving from P4 Xeon (Dempsey etc) to Core (Woodcrest). If I'm not mistaken, ANSYS already supported multithreading back then. I'm not against AMD at all, by the way. AMD's architecture was better and it allowed making more productive systems with lagging technological capabilities. And multicore was the first to be used by AMD. Only Intel already has all that. It's just that now (and for the next 2 years to come) I have overtaken A. And 3 years ago the situation was just the opposite. Anyway, Xeons and Opterons are more often than not an unjustified luxury. For 10% performance you will be asked 5-10 times more. Plus the motherboard for the workstation is plus $200.


Another test:

XP x64 8 GB

Windows 7 x64 8 GB


And yet, four2one, why did the script test on your configuration turn out to be so weak?

Mathemat >> :

And yet, four2one, why did the script test on your configuration turn out to be so weak?

>> I don't know.


Did I test everything correctly? I think I followed the instructions.

four2one >> :

Another test:

XP x64 8GB

Windows 7 x64 8 GB

I somehow don't get it. Does the bit mode of the OS have an effect? For 32bit there is no reason to put more than 3gb of memory. There is no such limitation in 64-bit. But in our case it should have no effect on speed. Or what, something else, maybe?