Help solve a problem with importing a function from a dll - page 7

boysn >> :

There are an awful lot of them... these mistakes...

[BCC32 Error] U_svd_dll.cpp(15): E2209 Unable to open include file 'stdafx.h'
[BCC32 Error] iosfwd(254): E2238 Multiple declaration for 'char_traits<wchar_t>::int_type'


The easiest one is with stdafx.h .

Just delete one line #include "stdafx.h"

And in the file where it swore it didn't know what FILE-

On the contrary, you should have added one line #include <stdio.h>




Laughed :-).

Borland are really serious about the competition :-).

All these errors:


[BCC32 Error] iosfwd(151): E2344 Earlier declaration of 'char_traits<char>::lt(const char &,const char &)'
[BCC32 Error] iosfwd(371): E2238 Multiple declaration for 'char_traits<char>::compare(const char *,const char *,unsigned int)'
[BCC32 Error] iosfwd(156): E2344 Earlier declaration of 'char_traits<char>::compare(const char *,const char *,unsigned int)'


It's an improvement on theirs! :-) It's your 9, isn't it?

There were no such errors under the 6th debilder! :-) This is a new one! :-)

I don't even know what to make up with them.


Yes, I have Bilder 2009. Commented out stdafx.h in one file, pops up in another... Anyway, commented out everything in all the files where it occurs.

Ended up with 0 errors, but 29 warnings:


[BCC32 Warning] xlocnum(1617): W8058 Cannot create pre-compiled header: initialized data in header
[BCC32 Warning] xlocnum(1617): W8058 Cannot create pre-compiled header: initialized data in header
[BCC32 Warning] ap.cpp(373): W8012 Comparing signed and unsigned values
[BCC32 Warning] ap.cpp(375): W8012 Comparing signed and unsigned values
[BCC32 Warning] ap.cpp(442): W8060 Possibly incorrect assignment
[BCC32 Warning] ap.cpp(494): W8012 Comparing signed and unsigned values
[BCC32 Warning] ap.cpp(512): W8012 Comparing signed and unsigned values
[BCC32 Warning] ap.cpp(539): W8012 Comparing signed and unsigned values
[BCC32 Warning] ap.cpp(552): W8012 Comparing signed and unsigned values
[BCC32 Warning] ap.cpp(710): W8012 Comparing signed and unsigned values
[BCC32 Warning] xlocnum(1617): W8058 Cannot create pre-compiled header: initialized data in header
[BCC32 Warning] bdsvd.cpp(1047): W8004 'rightside' is assigned a value that is never used
[BCC32 Warning] bdsvd.cpp(1047): W8004 'sminlo' is assigned a value that is never used
[BCC32 Warning] xlocnum(1617): W8058 Cannot create pre-compiled header: initialized data in header
[BCC32 Warning] bidiagonal.cpp(221): W8004 'minmn' is assigned a value that is never used
[BCC32 Warning] xlocnum(1617): W8058 Cannot create pre-compiled header: initialized data in header
[BCC32 Warning] blas.cpp(108): W8004 'a' is assigned a value that is never used
[BCC32 Warning] blas.cpp(131): W8004 'a' is assigned a value that is never used
[BCC32 Warning] blas.cpp(154): W8004 'a' is assigned a value that is never used
[BCC32 Warning] blas.cpp(647): W8004 'ccols' is assigned a value that is never used
[BCC32 Warning] xlocnum(1617): W8058 Cannot create pre-compiled header: initialized data in header
[BCC32 Warning] xlocnum(1617): W8058 Cannot create pre-compiled header: initialized data in header
[BCC32 Warning] lq.cpp(107): W8004 'maxmn' is assigned a value that is never used
[BCC32 Warning] lq.cpp(282): W8004 'maxmn' is assigned a value that is never used
[BCC32 Warning] xlocnum(1617): W8058 Cannot create pre-compiled header: initialized data in header
[BCC32 Warning] xlocnum(1617): W8058 Cannot create pre-compiled header: initialized data in header
[BCC32 Warning] reflections.cpp(215): W8004 'vm' is assigned a value that is never used
[BCC32 Warning] reflections.cpp(281): W8004 'vm' is assigned a value that is never used
[BCC32 Warning] xlocnum(1617): W8058 Cannot create pre-compiled header: initialized data in header


With line #include <stdio.h> I did not quite understand where I should put it... :-(

boysn >> :

Yes, I have Bilder 2009. Commented out stdafx.h in one file, pops up in another... Anyway, commented out everything in all the files where it occurs.

The result is 0 errors, but 29 warnings:

With line #include <stdio.h> I did not quite understand where I should put it... :-(

Leave the warnings to the pros for now.

Although... I think you'll be able to do the google work for each warning.

If there is no error with FILE, nothing should be pasted anywhere.

Anyway, it all worked out.

Isn't the stdafx.h file very important? It won't affect the functionality of the DLL?
Can these warnings be ignored? Did you get a working DLL?

Why are you asking about the stdafx.h file from me?


As for the Dll - check it out - let me know.


M...yes, seems to give no error in MQL, it imports... Now I'll have to check on the data...

What about the 29 warnings though? Are they not critical?

Pardon, by inertia :-)
boysn >> :

M...yes, seems to give no error in MQL, it imports... Now I'll have to check on the data...

What about the 29 warnings though? Are they not critical?

I won't say :-).


Thank you so much!!! I am unspeakably pleased with the fact that I got something done with your help!!!

I'll google :-) to find out my questions :-)