Help solve a problem with importing a function from a dll - page 5


I would be very grateful to you for such help!!!

I have the MQL code as a script - purely to check import of function from dll


Project code

project_svd.rar  1808 kb

Debuilder is wrong again!

I took - Visual C++ 2005.

Just added all the files to the project.

It's all built! No errors...


1>aaadll - 0 error(s), 11 warning(s)
========== Build: 1 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========


Make sure all files are exactly added to the project.


For fun, I pulled the builder off the shelf.


Basically, you tried to build a project with the H-files of the ap library

and didn't add the source files themselves to the project.

Debuilder is not guilty :-(.


Wow, man... Wow...

Are the 11 warning(s) missing any files?

Maybe it's auxiliary libraries? I have Dinamic RTL set to False in my debuilder options to make the file standalone.

Maybe this option affects the warnings. I think I read that in Archanelsky...

Does my script work? Does it call the function? Because it says: cannot call function 'SVD_DLL' from dll 'svd_dll.dll'(error 127).


And I thought the project had it all... I downloaded it in full from

Eh, where am I supposed to find them? Are they supposed to be separate somewhere?

Isn't the ap.cpp file enough? I thought everything was there...

Um... Well, I kind of have to stick all the files in the project

that you sent me.


It honestly wouldn't even occur to me to think about

which one file from the set of files in the *library*

you need to add to the project.

:-) I'll try it now...

I don't understand it :-(

I think I've added everything... and cpp and h files... As a result, I got lots of errors and warnings... What a mess :-)

Have you added all the files to the project in both Visual C++ 2005 and Bilder and there are no errors there or thereabouts?