ERUUSD spectra - is this proof of non-stationarity? - page 6

faa1947 писал(а) >>

The author, please.

How many hard mistakes

The spirit of enlightenment prepares us,

And experience, the son of hard mistakes,

And genius, the friend of paradoxes .......

LeoV >> :

How many difficult mistakes

The spirit of enlightenment prepares,

And experience, the son of hard mistakes,

And genius, the friend of paradoxes .......

(c) Maximus_genuine

Mischek писал(а) >>

(c) Maximus_genuine

It's not him, it's A.S. Pushkin.

LeoV >> :

How many difficult mistakes

The spirit of enlightenment prepares,

And experience, the son of hard mistakes,

And genius, the friend of paradoxes .......

The "spectrum" of this branch has also floated... ;)

LeoV >> :

It's not him, it's Alexander Pushkin.

>> I know.)

just in case he's offended.

renegate писал(а) >>

The "spectrum" of this branch has also floated... ;)

Well, he's asking the author. Where am I going to find the author? I don't need to go through all this trouble. Search rules - big internet .....))) Then they will say that the author is a fool, he doesn't understand anything and they won't believe him - we've been through all this already....))))

Micha wrote it right -

Mischek wrote >>

There are two options, take your word for it or check it yourself.

the next is the idea that the window should be dynamic, linked to ..... you will have plenty of options and wasted time with no result, but not without benefit.

then the signal will have to be filtered with something, then the filter will have to be ...

this business takes a lot of time

sab1uk >> :

>> the tools are kind of beyond forex.

If you're talking about signals again, there's nothing there either.

FOXXXi >> :

If you're talking about signals again, there's nothing there either.

>> tell your grandmother about your research.


But no one has ever refuted the postulate that everything depends on the size of the window.

OrlandoMagic писал(а) >>

But no one has ever refuted the postulate that everything depends on window size.

My stats at the beginning of the thread show not only the dependence on window size, but also on the position of the window on BP. By the way, it proves that it is impossible to build a TS in this area where periods corresponding to maxima on spectra are explicitly or not explicitly embedded. Besides, if we optimize TS on H1 periods of 240 bars, it will be no more than a fitting, because on other 240 bars there will be another market and TS will not work.