Interesting question... - page 9


Как же не будет? - Будет! Я же и пишу выше - "...и результирующая сила полностью скомпенсирована сопротивлением потолка."

It's just that I read a lot of diagonal words and then I looked at the picture and it wasn't there.

Neutron >> :
Newton's third law, F=F force of action, is equal to force of counteraction with opposite sign! Therefore, the force acting on the bodies in the wagon is directed in the opposite direction from the force applied to the wagon (directed by U) and accelerating it. On the other hand, according to Newton's second law F=ma, the direction of acceleration a always coincides with the direction of force F.

The way it's written is the way it's written.

So, in the case of a train moving from right to left, the acceleration of the car will be in the opposite direction


Поэтому, сила действующая на тела в вагоне,

sitting on their asses reading Soviet Sport.

The balloon has no contact with the carriage except for the air.

There's something wrong here.

The events in the carriage will unfold as follows: Immediately upon moving the carriage, a density gradient (difference in density at the edges of the balloon) of air along the horizontal axis arises, resulting in an Archimedean force directed against the air density gradient (the gradient is always directed from the smaller to the larger). This is the force that moves the balloon in the direction of the train. It can be seen that for it to occur, the ball does not need to touch anything, only the air density gradient is needed!

For a gradient to form, it needs to form. It does not form immediately. First, the ball moves backwards relative to the carriage.

P.S. The temperature gradient, the vents and the draught are forgotten :)))

gip >> :
Fucking mathematicians :) For a gradient to form, it needs to form. It doesn't form right away. First the ball moves backwards relative to the carriage.

Get out of the way, do something, go draw.

Neutron >> :
Events in the wagon will unfold as follows: Immediately upon moving the wagon, a density gradient (difference in density at the edges of the balloon) of air along the horizontal axis arises, resulting in an Archimedean force directed against the air density gradient (the gradient is always directed from lesser to greater). This is the force that moves the balloon in the direction of the train. We see that for it to occur, the ball does not need to touch anything, only the air density gradient is needed!

Do you agree that the ball has mass?

Mischek >> :

Do you agree that a balloon has mass?

The density is less than the density of air.

Yes, I completely forgot, the balloon has a tie rod, which means it is not balanced. And this tie is at the bottom, and the upper point of the ball touches the ceiling.
gip >> :

The density is less than that of air.

The density of what ?