Working with your hands is better - page 3

LeoV писал(а) >>

I think that a real trader, as well as an investor, should ask "how many percent (of the deposit) and for how long?", because a real TS should include MM, and therefore the number of pips and the number of thousands are not informative.....)))))

Pips is the point. It's profit is what it is.

SProgrammer писал(а) >>

The points are the point. That's what profit is all about.

brici wrote >>

- You could do that. But in any case, not thousands).

Better yet, calculate the annual profit percentage of the trader. Pips in this case are also not informative, because 1000 pips in 1 lot at 10k and 100k depo are quite different things....))))


- There are those "men" who ask the question, "Have you slept with her yet?" .........)

LeoV писал(а) >>

Better yet, what percentage annual return this trader can make. Pips in this case are also not informative, because 1000 pips with 1 lot at 10k depo and 100k are completely different things....))))

Yes, it may be interesting for someone. But the profit in pips. :)

SProgrammer писал(а) >>

Yes, some may be interested in that. But the profit is in the points. :)

Any sane person wonders whether a trader will make 10% or 100% of the invested money for the same period(1000 pips)....))) This is a generally accepted measure of the performance of any trader, bank, factory or business......

- LeoV, it's not about profit, it's about going out and asking passers-by "how much money do you have in your wallet?)
SProgrammer >> :

You just have to learn how to use your hands on the demo - earning the amount of money you need to live on. And you have to do it for at least a year. And not in any tester, but in real time. If the broker achieves success, he may continue trading on the real account. Make an automaton. [...] In a word, first you have to learn to trade with the hands, and then use your experience to create an automated trading robot.

I think it is right. I saw it myself making an EA without Inducator (all calculations are in the EA) and running it on a demo account. I get the feeling that I am working blindly.

I will try to make an indicator to see how the EA goes in and out.


this reminds me of the one scumbag who built a reactor with his bare hands

I cringed when I read the article, especially at the phrase

Однако все это для кипящей души юного бойскаута с выраженными ядерными наклонностями казалось слишком мелким, и поэтому следующим этапом своей работы он выбрал строительство настоящего, только небольшого, ядерного реактора.

brici >> :
- LeoV, it's not about profit. It's about going out and asking people on the street, "How much money you got in your wallet?")

Is running down the street and harassing passers-by with the phrase: "I'm standing in the euro bye!" decent? If you were standing in the sel, surely you would be silent?

Profits are only measured in dollars and preferably in thousands of dollars. You can't spread points and interest on bread and use them to pay for a bakery. You'll be telling your wife: "It's OK that I'm small, but if you measure it in percents or pips, then it's OK.

LeoV >> :

Any sane person wonders whether a trader will make 10% or 100% of the money invested for the same period(1000 pips)....))) This is a generally accepted measure of the performance of any trader, bank, factory or business......

Generally accepted, if you compare comparable things. And if 10% from two-hundred-lemon portfolio and 1000% on a demo account, this comparison is somehow not very interesting.