FIR filters - page 18


Eh, guys, the problem with all filters is that they are based on past data. Digital filters also tried to apply to MTS - so far nothing came out except plummers (maybe I'm so unsuccessful, or the requirements are too high - if only once Kolya Morge came: for me it's rubbish). Here's one uncomplicated card trick with 21 cards has always amazed me in terms of filtering. Who doesn't know - the trick is as follows:
1. You hang out the cards, remember any.
then do not hang out:
2. Fold it into three piles
3. Pile, in which the card, put between the other two
4. repeat Sec. 2, 3 two more times.
5. The puzzled card is exactly in the middle!
This is a filter - it implements randomness into a 100% pattern.

In fact, the price can go anywhere (Bin Laden decided to earn extra money on Forex, and beat Gemini, at the same time and the U.S. security service warmed the flow of funds from the Senate - such things: and we are - filter their bazaar)
Sorry, not on the FIR filter theme. Just sharing my thoughts...

PPC >>:

Эх, мужики, вся проблемма любых фильтров состоит в их базировании на прошлых данных.
По факту цена может двинуть резко куда угодно

Is it possible to base it on future data?
Just don't go picking your nose with filters and not knowing what you're picking out.
use them for their intended purpose and you'll be fine
bank писал(а) >>

Is it possible to base it on future data?
Just don't pick your nose with filters and don't know what you're picking out.
use them for their intended purpose and you'll be fine.

if i knew better, i would have lived in sochi...
but the 21-card example is a variant of the future 100% expected result, based on the past - ordering a card.
PPC >>:

а вот пример с 21 картой - это вариант будущего 100%-ного ожидаемого результата, сбазированного на прошлом - заказе карты.

This is an example of addressing, not filtering. You can do it with twenty seven as well (3*3*3 = 27).

Let's construct an analogy with 36 cards.

Guess a "card" (a number in the range 1-36).

Now select the cell number of your number(a):

1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9

10 11 12
13 14 15
16 17 18
19 20 21
22 23 24
25 26 27
28 29 30
31 32 33
34 35 36
OK, now here(b):
1 2 3
10 11 12
19 20 21
28 29 30
4 5 6
13 14 15
22 23 24
31 32 33
7 8 9
16 17 18
25 26 27
34 35 36
And finally here(c):
1 4 7
10 13 16
19 22 25
28 31 34
2 5 8
11 14 17
20 23 26
29 32 35
3 6 9
12 15 18
21 24 27
30 33 36
Your number ==(a-1)*9 +(b-1)*3 + c

No mystical filtering. Just address arithmetic. :)
Has anyone made an adaptive filter using the Hertzel algorithm, even posted in mql on the forum (attached), on its basis it seems possible to make an adaptive harmonic (adaptive filter) without using a digital filter generator
here's the attachment
Although I'm sorry, I may have written in the wrong thread.
i can't get a filter with a bigger cut-off period in Behemoth's generator (ED_Filter_Tester). i tried all parameters, but failed (when i change the parameters the filter line in the indicator window should also be getting wider or narrower). In the generator ED_Kaiser_LPF.mq4 you can change differently stop and stop bands bar and the line becomes longer and smoother (or tighter and curved), but there are only LPF, but I want 1>LPF, 2>HPF, 3>BPF, 4>BRF to be like in ED_Filter_Tester
Does anyone know if sub1uk still hangs out on this forum?
Does anyone know if sub1uk still hangs out on this forum?
He's not here anymore.