FIR filters - page 8

Prival >> :

Frequency with wavelength is related by a one-to-one transformation (via the speed of light).


Now that's something new, even for me who is very far removed from the subject.

Frequency is the number of vibrations per second - that's what we were taught at school.

So, anyway, frequency = 1/wavelength.

And the speed of light ! What does it have to do with it ?

Prival >> :

To sab1uk

The spectrum is the frequency distribution of the signal energy.

The frequency is related to the wavelength by a single-digit transformation (through the speed of light). So you can plot as a function of wavelength and frequency, the nature of the graph will not change.

I only understood one thing, that you are not used to such a direction of the scale (instead of the usual 0 to some frequency value in the program from infinity to some value)

but that's not a reason to argue.

there is a habitual representation of the amplitude distribution curve and there is (as in this case, in this program) practical expediency

I don't see what's in dispute


You've got it wrong, it's about phase velocity, denoted as C.

If you mark a point on a wave at a particular point of full oscillation(wave phase) and measure the speed of movement of that particular phase,

as the wave process moves, then it would appear that we are measuring the phase velocity.

If everyone else here in this thread is as confused as I see it, then I too can safely join in this kind of discussion.

Prival >> :

Frequency with wavelength is related by a single-digit transformation (via the speed of light).

And for sound too ?

>> Sergei, you're confused.

Mischek >> :

And for sound too?

Sergei, you're confused.

Nothing, it happens, in the heat of the discussion and in the rush to answer your opponent...

And in fact, Prival is a very literate guy.


Well first of all I just gave a link to wikipedia. There is a formula and an example of how to calculate the wavelength. If you think it's wrong, write them back and show them how it's right.

As for sound, the speed of sound is different. It depends on the density of the medium. In metal it is one, in the sea it is another, in the air it is third + at 3000 m above sea level it is fourth, etc. it is very inconvenient.

And the speed of light in a vacuum is considered a constant.

By the way it is calculated there through the phase velocity, which is interesting in itself, as the phase velocity is greater than the speed of light (radio operators know about it).

Now back to the post (p.6).

neoclassic писал(а) >>

Then the next question: here's a spectrum of 500 bars H4 EURUSD for example. Based on it, what would be the optimal parameters for satl/fatl? (P1,D1,A1, beats)

I'm interested in order to understand if this dependence is formalizable and if this process can be automated.

The person wants to deal with it and understand how it can be used. That's kind of where it started. This is the starting point from where to start, what to calculate and how to calculate it.

But first of all it is necessary to understand what is drawn on the chart. For that you need to know what is on X and Yaxis and it turns out there is neither frequency nor wavelength, but only bars ( X axis . Wikipedia has a rest :-))), then a reasonable question how we calculate filter (bandwidth, damping, etc.) and use frequency notion should arise. And there are bars. How is the number of bars related to frequency ? Who can give us the formula? There are doubts in wikipedia. And Kravchuk's calculations are beyond doubt? Is it the absolute truth?

And the Yaxis is even more fun judging by the inscription "Quote Range Spectrum" .

For those who want to understand MME I recommend to study Matlab. There is a corresponding function built in, find in quotations these fluctuations, only then start to build filters. If you don't, you will have to take all mathematical constructions on faith. And this is a black box for you. Do you want to use a black box? Well, that's your choice. I'm trying my best to talk some sense into you.

I can't seem to attach the DSP book with detailed matlab examples. 10 megabytes. If you need it, just give me the address and I'll send it to you.

Prival >> :

And the speed of light in a vacuum is considered a constant.

The phase velocity is greater than the speed of light (radio operators know this).

It's not just radio operators who know this.

Phase velocity is a purely kinematic concept.

Speed of light is a physical notion and denotes the maximum possible speed in nature of spreading of interaction between material bodies.

That's me, just remembering my youth.

Prival >> :

Well first of all I just gave a link to wikipedia. There is a formula and an example of how to calculate the wavelength. If you think it's wrong, write them back and show them how it's right.

As for sound, the speed of sound is different. It depends on the density of the medium. In metal it is one, in the sea it is different, in the air it is third + at 3000 m above sea level it is fourth, etc. it is very uncomfortable.

You're getting a little excited. The speed of light is for electromagnetic waves in a vacuum. In general, it is the speed of propagation of a signal in a medium. And, as people have correctly pointed out, for sound it's quite different.

Prival >> :

there's no black box
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