An arbitration grail is found - page 15

Swetten >> :

I wonder why grailers are beggars, greedy and illiterate? In general, its antipode?

P.S. This is my addition-question-affirmation-conclusion to the timbo theory. :)

Nevertheless, the author of this topic deserves respect, if not as a trader, then as a PR man.

It has long been clear to all that this is idle chatter, but respectable people nevertheless keep the flame of narcissism burning in the author's quivering soul.

You will not be able to sell anything, as there is no subject, but you will hang out with clever people, it is useful for self-affirmation.

RomanIgorevi4 >> :

4. Why don't I win the competition?

The strategy is long-term. And it's not super profitable, it's super reliable.

you can take any trading system and make it go to Breakeven after you reach float profit +10 or even just +5 pips and it will be a super reliable but not super profitable strategy

sab1uk >> :

why would you take any trading system and make it go to Breakeven after reaching a float profit of +10 or even only +5 pips and you get a super reliable but not super profitable strategy

I did something like that once, my deposit is slowly but surely decreasing :)

RomanIgorevi4 >> :

1) Do you really think that you have found some arbitrage opportunity that hasn't been figured out by an army of traders, analysts and experts in a thousand banks? )))

Of course I think that the banks have invented it and keep it a secret, and the traders have invented it and keep it a secret, and I would do it if I had money on my deposit.

2. 2. Why may I not take a loan?

No credit.

3. 3. Why do not I start with small securities?

I have already got used to the strategy, I have never tried it, it is too slow and all the losses are irreversible. I.e. it is necessary to play in a serious brokerage company with a serious deposit!

4. Why do not I win the contest?

The strategy is long-term. And not super profitable, it is super reliable.

5. Cost?

10 000$

6. Arbitrage is impossible!

This is not classical arbitrage.

7. What are the guarantees and how does the transaction proceed.

Together with the person concerned we resolve this issue.

8. Profitability?

Per 1000p of movement 100p of profit.

9. Drawdown?

Commission + swap + slippage.

I used to do similar thing once... I used to do the same thing and it all ended up getting eaten by swaps. And the problem is that 1000 points of one-way movement happens not so often. But anyway, the pictures were pretty good.

neoclassic >> :

I think I did a similar thing once... ended up eating up all the swaps. And the problem is that 1000 pips of unidirectional movement does not happen that often. But the pictures were pretty good.

I think not such a chart should not turn out that way, about swaps it is not so bad in total they almost will not be, about 1000 yes it is long, but it is compensated by the break-even game so in total it turns out very good.

RomanIgorevi4 писал(а) >>

I think the chart will not turn out so bad, about swaps it's not so bad in total they almost won't exist, about 1000 it's a long time, but it is compensated by breakeven game so for the whole depo in total it turns out very good.

For the entire history of the Euro, hardly more than a dozen moves by 1000 points, i.e. 10 trades in total, what kind of system we can talk about?

Integer >> :

Over the entire history of the euro, with a stretch there are no more than a dozen movements of 1000 points, ie only 10 deals, what kind of system can we talk about?

A full-fledged system of losing the deposit =)

sol >> :

A full-fledged system to drain the deposit =)

1000 for roundness, you can do 500

Can we have 100 for a completely round account, but every day for each instrument? :)
Swetten >> :
Can we have a 100 for a completely round count? :)

>> no, it's too small.