An arbitration grail is found - page 6

RomanIgorevi4 >> :

The real deal is a small drawdown, no one said anything about unimaginable profit. So it is unlikely you will win.

So what's more - no drawdown - roll out the whole depo - again, you can trade with 1$ ... or not even that ... then contests :)

GarF1eld >> :

>> how small?

Arbitrage is around 20%.

Lock is less than 1%.

JavaDev >> :

So what's more - no drawdown - roll out the entire deposit - again, a lot of brokerage houses you can trade with 1$... or not even 1$ ... then contests :)

>> I'll think about contests.)


You're selling your grails on a "money in the morning, chairs in the evening" basis, aren't you? What if I don't like your "chairs", will you give me my money back? Or maybe you're selling in instalments? :)

In general, my advice to you: do not bullshit, and just find the money you need from your friends (once the bank will not give), because 99% sure - you have no buyers

MaxBau >> :

You're probably selling your grails on a "money in the morning, chairs in the evening" basis, aren't you? What if I don't like your "chairs", will you give me my money back? Or maybe you're selling in instalments? :)

In general advice to you: don't make a fuss, and simply find money necessary for you from friends (if in bank they won't give), because 99% sure - you won't have any buyers

Questions of purchase are discussed individually by finding the best solution together.

RomanIgorevi4 писал(а) >>

Purchasing issues are discussed on an individual basis.е We will discuss it together in the search for the optimal solution.

You must be a very talented person, you know such words! You just haven't learned how to spell them right yet. That's all right, it all comes with time. But again the question arose about the optimal solution: according to what criteria is this solution optimal?

MaxBau >> :

You must be a very talented person, you know such words! You just haven't learned how to spell them right yet. That's all right, it all comes with time. But the question arose again about the optimal solution: by what criterion is this solution optimal?

It satisfies me and the buyer, about mistakes yes sometimes I do not pay attention to what I write, it's trifles though I may do it some time.

RomanIgorevi4 писал(а) >>

It suits me and the buyer, I don't pay attention to what I write, it's a small thing, but I might do it someday.

Is it possible to find out what the deal looks like in its original form. I (and I think most buyers (in the general sense) as well) would be satisfied with this sequence: you reveal the "secret" and I'll give you the money. How do you imagine that?

MaxBau >> :

Would it be possible to find out what the deal looks like in its original form? I (and I think most buyers (in a general sense) would be happy with the following sequence: you reveal the "secret" and I'll give you the money. How do you imagine it?

You could do it at the same time in a meeting.

RomanIgorevi4 писал(а) >>

You can do it at the same time when you meet.

And then...

1. Where shall we meet? What city do you live in?

2. And what are the guarantees that it all works?