At least there's something to stream - page 5

STill_ace >> :

One man's dream came true for many: $1,100,000 was withdrawn. One more millionaire in the world.

>> it's a mini-account.

but that's not the point, in pips it's still cool

STill_ace >> :

A dream come true for one man: $1,100,000 was withdrawn.

From a cent account.

Lord_Shadows >> :

He withdrew 11,000 because the micro account was for 10 c.u. But that's not the point... The main thing is the real trading or the DC forgery. I really hope it's the former.


Does anyone know him or has communicated with him?

He was nowhere to be seen or heard from.

The gray horse that the DC bet on.

I think it's a publicity stunt.

DC found a guy who's a regular on the forum and inspires trust in visitors,

paid him well to keep his mouth shut, and here we go.

Read a little interview with him - it's just a baby talk - what he had to say:

Besides, you look at how he trades - all instruments in a row, indiscriminately...


I did not see any nonsense or childish babble there. I would like to see how he trades, at least for 1 day. Where is the entry and exit, visually. Then it would be possible to understand what kind of system and how it is.

I think I've seen a better system, if you want I can give you the link.

This account is in LiteForex. And they don't let you trade like that, and I have doubts about withdrawals.
And now he seems to be trading drunk with happiness and in a 40% slump... I wonder how it will end.
will come out
alexx_v >> :
>> will come out

Where will it go? Into circulation or out of drawdown?

I mean, maybe, provided it is a real trade with skilled hands (not automatic) and super head, he overestimated his strength.

And in general, after what Kirill(HIDDEN) has shown, it is more and more difficult to be surprised.

Lord_Shadows >> :

Where will it go? Into circulation or out of drawdown?

I mean, maybe, provided that it is a real trade with skilled hands (and not a machine) and a super head, he overestimated his strength.

And in general, after what Kirill(HIDDEN) have shown, it`s getting more and more difficult to be surprised.

What did it show ?

ssd >> :

What did he show ?

HIDDEN - shows ))) - first post.