Exchanging data between two EAs running in different terminals - page 7

Thank you very much!
Andrei01 >>:

Думаю, для базовой версии было бы неплохо иметь аналог глобальной переменной видимой из разных терминалов с возможностью доступа и изменения из каждого, по аналогии с возможностями обычных глобальных переменных языка mql4 с сохранением копии на диске на случай рестарта...

Ooh! Then every user will be able to link terminals from different brokers without any hassle. A people's solution.
You can do it that way, I don't see a problem. Only people are afraid of the DLL.
zhuki >>:
Можно и так,не вижу проблем. Только народ DLL боиться.

I'm not scared...

// probably got away from the people... (thoughtfully): ...maybe we should start being scared...?

Still, I really want the source of the DLL. You don't mind?

I don't care if it's written in C or Pascal.

But I'm not. :-) Pascal would be more interesting. I'm specifically interested in string passing from the DLL.

I've been messing around with it once, in Delphi, I've learned how to put it into DLL, but I've never learned how to return it.

zhuki >>:
Можно и так,не вижу проблем. Только народ DLL боиться.

He who is afraid, let him go hungry. It's not taken from the street. There are enough people who can't write something like this. And if the exchange is similar to work with global variables, anyone will understand. And let the advanced ones expand functionality with their minds.

I was recently told that using a DLL made by someone you don't know can be dangerous. That's why I wrote that I'm afraid to use it.
MetaDriver >>:

Я вот не боюсь...

// наверно от народа оторвался... (задумчиво): ..может стоит начать бояться..?

И всё же очень хочу исходник ДЛЛки. Не жалко?

На С или паскале он написан мне всё равно.

Хотя нет, вру. :-) На Паскале было б интереснее. Меня передача строк из ДЛЛ конкретно интересует.

Возился как-то, на Делфи, в ДЛЛ всовывать научился, а вот с возвратом так и ниасилил.

In private

zhuki писал(а) >>
I was recently told that using a DLL made by someone you don't know can be dangerous. That's why I'm writing that I'm afraid to use it.

I know... my bad... don't judge.... the topic is very interesting to me, so if they're giving away the source code here, I'm in line...
I don't feel sorry for just a few lines there. They are of no interest to me.
xrust in private.

Thanks - I'll dig around, I'll have to remember Pascal :)