NFA bans locking from 15 May 2009 - page 4

Helen >> :

Just for the record... All great traders have opened counter positions.

I am not a great trader yet, but I trade exclusively opposite positions, of course for different instruments - this is called market neutral/dollar neutral trading.

The counter positions for one and the same instrument are an invention of the kitchen DCs. On the real market, this does not and cannot happen, because there is no concept of separate orders. A trader bought 100 units of XXX Asset, and then bought another 50 units of the same Asset. The trader doesn't have any orders, he has 150 units of Asset XXX long. If the trader strikes a counter position - short - on the same Asset ХХХ for 50 units, it means selling a part of what he already has, resulting in 100 units of ХХХ remaining. That's it.

Loki is a self-delusion indulged in until recently by the Metaquotes. Apparently they want to get out of the category of software for small kitchens and get closer to the real market, so they decided to remove loki even before the NFA cared about this issue.

The excuse of many pages of description does not work. In general terms, any strategy can be described in one paragraph. But shamanic dances always require many pages.


It is trivial to have several systems traded in.

There is also modular programming. Microsoft did not write its operating system in a single listing. It should be final and unambiguous at once, because to split it into parts is mathematical absurdity, because everything will be in one code anyway.
igar00 >> :

So that 2+2=4. Otherwise we get 2+2=4 in one case, and 4-2=1 client+1broker in the other.

As for the other broker, I advise to avoid using only the dealing desk-client approach, and to look at the problem from the market point of view. Stop-loss and profit are not mirror functions, they are different.

A stop loss is an order to sell if the price touched a specified level, to sell at any price. For example, a stop loss on a buy at 100. There was a gap in the night and trading started at 50. The automatic close will occur at the first available price, which is 50. The system will not sell at 100, because it does not make sense, no one will buy at 100, when everyone is ready to sell at 50.

A take profit is an order to sell at a specified price - which is different to a stop. If the profit was at 100, and trading started after the gap at 150, the system will still sell at 100, because you told it to, and it makes sense, because this order will be successfully filled - if everyone is buying at 150, they will buy at 100 all the more - any volume in a split second.

Please note that there is no DC at all in this scheme - it is a trader-market relationship. Yes, a kitchen DC can profit from this situation. A normal brokerage company hedges all trades on the market, i.e. they directly translate all conditions of the real market to their clients.

And if there is a limit instead of a stop, will there be slippage? If not, a lock is more profitable. Because the next tick could be very far away.

Maybe the Obama administration decided that banning locks would help reduce volatility so that scared investors would return to the markets and increase liquidity )

After G20 there will be more tough on offshore

If you have MTS locks, a proper competent technical analysis system should produce trading signals (short/long) without collisions.

If you are a manual trader I have no sympathy for you...

timbo писал(а) >>

The excuse of many pages of description doesn't work.

An excuse?! Yes, pardon me, you haven't noticed, apparently. I suggested comparing practical indicators, instead of just typing texts.

If you can talk in a nutshell about the techniques of the market, then yes, I'll pass... It's been seven years now, I can't cram the Fora techniques into one paragraph... I'm getting volumes. And thicker every year :) ...

Timbo, I can cram a lot of terms in there. You don't need to be full of them. It's not an indicator. And I do not understand: why blame methaquotes (which clearly are not the pioneers of the loops), if you can open pairs on one instrument at firm terminals and in many reputable offices? If you think that the counters are self-deception, well, you have not managed to understand how to use them. What can you do... Why generalize in the form of an absolute truth, which you have discovered? I work with lochs and I feel very well :). What's more, I don't feel deceived at all. To each his own!

>> Once again I advise you to stop looking at life only from the point of view of DC-Client and look at the problem from the market point of view.

Who's against it? That's what we're looking at... :))

There's something you don't understand! All this NFA stuff is marketing for the new mt.

In fact, seriously. Lock is doubling the size of the position, therefore doubling the size of the margin, and as a consequence of all this, increasing the probability of loss and collapse. There is no need to be self-defeating, a lock is an increase in the likelihood of trouble. That said, counter positions on different instruments are diversification.


Locke has exactly one useful property - it (partially) solves some psychological problems of a person, in particular the problem of closing a losing position.......... Otherwise, lock is a scam.


Uh-huh, super invented, i.e. now this option when i for example buy 0.8 million euros and sell 1.7 million euros ( stop 20 take 50 ) at the beginning of the day, of course the amounts and take and stops are calculated for each day - now an ineffective strategy...

bullshit... bullshit...

HideYourRichess >> :

There's something you don't understand! This NFA stuff is marketing for the new mt.

In fact, seriously. A lock is doubling the size of the position, hence doubling the size of the deposit, and as a consequence of all this, increasing the probability of losing and collapse. There is no need to be self-defeating, a lock is an increase in the likelihood of trouble. At the same time counter positions on different instruments - diversification.

Yeah... diversification... if lock is 2+2, then diversion is 2*2

the wording is different but the result is the same...

If it's the same, then why pay twice? (с)


The lock is:

- there are 0, 1 and 2 types of margin

- There are 9 types of locks.

- saving dispositions on the graph

And to talk about it in the context of "one paragraph" is putting it mildly: the subject is not quite mastered by the opponent