Moving average from moving average - page 4

How crooked everything is laid out... And how do you trade? After all, isn't the ultimate goal a profitable automatic trade. Please show me how to trade with your sinusoids.
How everything is laid out in curves... And how to trade? After all, isn't the ultimate goal a profitable automated trade. Please show me how to trade with your sinusoids.

Is this a trading topic or what? These sinusoids are not for trading, but for analysis, and not specifically of this kind.How to trade on it is everybody's business, and there are a lot of ways to do it the way one wants. I'm more interested in the description of mathematics in words, and variations of different ways, leading to the same.

Stroboscopes will fly to the top of the pile.


I don't know whoJunko isor what he's going to tell you. I haven't told you everything yet.

PS. No offence, it feels like you're not getting anywhere and you're running around the branches telling your opponents with results that it's all bullshit), the next branch with spreads got in your way too).

come on )))))

I don't even need what's written here. it's just the beginning.

PS: i have been studying these studies and spreads for 5 years now and i see nothing new for me.

How crooked everything is laid out... And how do you trade? After all, isn't the ultimate goal a profitable automatic trade. Please show me how to trade using your sinusoids.
i.e. we decompose into a spectrum and start to assemble it back, comparing it to what we see without transformations until we get the desired result. some curves are not needed at all, because they are discarded. the result is a digital noise filter

PS: these studies and spreads (although it's not about that) it's been 5 years since I looked through them and I don't see anything new.

People sometimes leave after 10 years disappointed, that is not a criterion. Neither is it a criterion for "I failed, so no one else will".

the point is not that, it's about masking the right entry point. i.e. we spread out the spectrum and start putting it back together, comparing it with what we see without transformations until we get the desired result. some of the curves are not needed at all, as they will be discarded.

Maybe you will draw your curves and explain their essence, rather than tell an outsider the essence of other people's curves in my presence))))))))))


People sometimes leave after 10 years disappointed, that is not a criterion. Neither is it a criterion -"I failed, so no one else will".

Why don't you draw your own curves and explain their essence, rather than telling the essence of someone else's curves in my presence))))))))))

i did not say that. i just know the end result. you can't see equity anyway, because it's not exactly in the plus..... what are they teaching?

The second question is: should I put some more money in my account? I replied to the man and my reply will help more than just him.


I didn't say that. It's just that the end result is already known.

on the 2nd: and put some more money in the account?

I don't need your money). And if the result is known and not interesting, the problem is solved by lightly tearing your face away from the bukavoks of this branch)))), and far from that, what you have engaged in-telling conjectures about other people's constructions. No further flooding with you is of interest, I hope for your mutual feelings).
I don't need your money). And if the result is known and not interesting, the problem is solved by lightly tearing your face off the bukavoks of this branch)))), and far from what you have engaged in-talking conjecture about other people's constructions. Further flood with you is not interesting, I hope for your mutual feelings).

I don't get it. Who's the starter?

Actually, I was developing a topic.

Show me how you do spectral analysis to begin with or is it a spontaneous superimposition of a bunch of EMAs with the calculation order reversed by 180 degrees?


Here, found a simple description of digital filters (looked for my favourite book, but couldn't find it):

That's where we'll start...

The purpose is to dispel misconceptions about digital signal processing (DSP), which many people here try to trump.

The most basic thing in DSP is z-1, i.e. signal processing while it is delayed by one beat, which in our case is one tick. This allows you to compare the current signal with the delayed signal and perform with it and the current signal any arithmetic operations or other actions, i.e. DSP itself!


Well, here it is ))))

It all makes sense now.

And the above spectra is a total out.

And Junko will suggest that the whole tsos is built on z-1 and operations over it))))

Nah. I'm not saying anything. Valera knows better. He learned how to draw sine waves in Paint :-)) Progress, however...

Maybe in 10 years he'll learn to write correctly, to express his thoughts, without pride of mind and his own, which only he understands, neoterms.