Off-topic MT4/mql4 questions. - page 3

JavaDev >>:

Рита, это хороший повод подзаработать на судебной тяжбе. Яндекс никак не может быть локальным платным ресурсом. Обратись к ним (Яндексу).

That's exactly what you should do...


Hi all.

I'm sick of pop-ups on one of my favourite lithic websites.

There are "Block pop-ups" and "Prohibit pop-ups" options in Opera,

but they don't help. It's like they don't exist at all.....

Not working.....

Can you tell me what can be done?

med1um писал(а) >>

This is exactly what needs to be done...

In reality, the provider does not risk anything. because in russia, liability is stipulated for breaking the law (the contract) - namely, 5,000 tenge. and not a penny more. i.e. it is profitable to violate.... Although this is from the humour section, black. to me here till now the work record book has not returned, passed half a year it has got from the employer to bailiffs, though also through my hands, now they have 3 months, total 9. as a result my sick leave at new work is calculated without seniority, I have lost on it more than preconditioned 5000. And who should be fined, the old job or the bailiff?


Good afternoon everyone. Yesterday I noticed. -

That antivirus sites (and download links) stopped opening.

At the moment I have Avast (yesterday I replaced version 4 with version 5). For some reason, only Avast has links available. I can not use any other antivirus, it hangs or error on my browser.

I did a search. They're saying it's a virus. Recommendations do not help - Scanning does not detect the virus.

(avast, avz4, KidoKiller_v3.3, CureIT utility from DrWeb )

Can you tell me what to do ?


I followed the recommendations from this address, but nothing helps.


windows/system32/drivers/etc/hosts is it clean? localhost

and that's it.


I don't quite understand. Should I clear the specified folder? -


or should I delete this file ?

It's a good idea to call your local support team to see if it's their fault...

I don't quite understand. Should I clear the specified folder? -


In this path, open the hosts file with notepad and leave only localhost

(you'd better show me what's in there...)


I have 2 drives.

The C drive is windows/system32/drivers/etc/hosts:

# (C) Microsoft Corp., 1993-1999
# This is a sample HOSTS file used by Microsoft TCP/IP for Windows.
# This file contains IP address mappings to host names.
# Each element must be on a separate line. The IP address must be
# IP address in the first column, followed by the relevant name.
# The IP address and hostname must be separated by at least one space.
# In addition, on some lines comments may be inserted
# comments (like this line), they must follow the hostname and be separated
# from it with a '#'.
# For example:
# # source server
# # client node x localhost