MetaTrader does not reflect reality ! How can I fight this ? - page 22

LeoV писал(а) >>

It's understandable that the main thing is not to lose. You don't have to gamble, you have to work - and that implies a certain MM. There is no profit without a loss - there are costs in any business. So then you can put the money under the mattress - then you won't lose....))))

i can't change your mind. You don't want to look at your drawdown, don't look. And suffer the rest of your life wondering whether your trading system will work in the future or not...

Quant >> :

The game of forex is a lot like poker because every hand has its own probabilities and they are constantly changing, although not as fast as in the market. In any case any market is a game of market makers, sharks and small players.

In poker every turn someone always loses a chip and another half a chip.

So the only option not to lose is simply not to play.

To win in poker you need a clear strategy and even if you lose, you can guess and stop.

When you enter the market you anyway have a chance to lose a little or lose everything, unless of course you have the Fed or something cooler behind your back.

I would like to ask the world's embittered gamblers, who warn everyone against working in the markets on the basis of their own experience, instead of shouting - casino, roulette, conspiracy, and we were cheated.

just to put out an invest from your real.


The comparison to poker is not that it is dangerous, etc.

Markets are a business and, like poker, require investment.

If you are a good poker player, you can draw the analogy.

It's just that many are looking for a strategy that will not only avoid losing, but also make 10^6 c 10^2 by putting it all on the line 1000 times.

Quant писал(а) >>

Most of the speculators on this forum play the "All In" strategy on the first move.

Try doing the same in poker...

Will you go All-In on the first move if you have a flush royal? And the other one will do it if he's got a square.))

Or are you talking about preflop?

Avals писал(а) >>

Will you go All-In on the first move if you have a flush royal? And the other will go all-in if he has a square.))

The thing is, this combination is not on the market due to known factors.

Quant писал(а) >>

the point is that this combination is not on the market due to known factors.

Exactly, but then why the poker analogy? ;)

Avals писал(а) >>

Exactly, but then why the poker analogy? ;)

Because a lot of people are trying to find that exact combination and still be all in.

Quant >> :

The comparison to poker is not that it is dangerous, etc.

Markets are a business and, like poker, require investment.

If you are a good poker player, you can draw the analogy.

The main thing is that many people are looking for a strategy that will not only avoid losing, but also make 10^6 c 10^2 by putting everything on the line 1000 times.

There is no analogy with poker or physics or game theory etc.

Quant писал(а) >>

The comparison to poker is not that it is dangerous, etc.

Markets are a business and, like poker, require investment.

If you are a good poker player, you can draw the analogy.

If you're good at poker, you'll see the analogy. Many people simply seek a strategy that allows them not only to avoid losing, but also to earn 10^6 c 10^2 by placing everything on the line 1,000 times.

I play (played) many card games up to bridge. and investing in the business may be different not necessarily money. I invest my mind, time and knowledge. And how not to lose. I don't mind investing your time and knowledge but you should know how not to lose.

Prival писал(а) >>

I play (have played) many card games, up to and including bridge. and investments in business can be of all kinds, not necessarily of money. I invest my mind, time and knowledge. And I'm looking for how not to lose. The point is that any system should have a certain drawdown.

When they start to go in large volumes, they start to lose again and you don't even need to look for them.

When large volumes hit it, the market will adapt to it and swallow it... the advantage will wither away... we will have to find a new one or grind out the old one.

Of course, I'm not going to prove why it's erased here... just believe that it will...