If anyone has a problem, please finalise AdaptiveExtrapolator v1.1 - page 7


...still draws one line ...

I'm going to fix it now, I've got a new idea...

Here it works...

delete the lines and proofread...forgot to tweak it before sending it to you

void init();


SetIndexShift(1,ForeCast);//-OffIndex);//past data vector 0...np-1; 0 corresponds to bar=lb
SetIndexShift(3,ForeCast);//-OffIndex);//past data vector 0...np-1; 0 corresponds to bar=lb
SetIndexShift(5,ForeCast);//-OffIndex);//past data vector 0...np-1; 0 corresponds to bar=lb
SetIndexShift(7,ForeCast);//-OffIndex);//past data vector 0...np-1; 0 corresponds to bar=lb

InitTicket(StringSubstr(IndicatorName,2,StringLen(IndicatorName)-2),50); // --> can delete
InitTicket(StringSubstr(IndicatorName,2,StringLen(IndicatorName)-2)); // --> should be like this

int start()
// if (StartCalculate(Shift)==false) // --> uncomment
if (StartTicket(Shift)==false) // --> delete...


this kind of thing anyway...


...I somehow miraculously got it up and running in the tester... ------ is fun...

...but not enough lines... ------ 4 doesn't give much information ------- jumps too fast....

...how do you make more lines... ????????


Интереснее было бы сделать оптимизацию не по одному параметру (np), как я сделал в 1.1, а по 2м: lb- последнему бару окна, и np - длине окна, а в идеале - вообще ещё + HarmNo - количеству гармоник. Рассчитывался бы долго но результат того будет стоить.

forte928 wrote >>

It's not a problem... it's just an improvement of the script you use... and the additional parameter can be obtained in the indicator itself...

I meant a similar improvement of AdaptiveExtrapolator

In principle, it's not difficult to do, you just need to add 1 loop with enumeration of parameter lb, but when I did it some quite strange errors appeared that I haven't managed to fix.

Please try it, if it works, there will be full-fledged harmonic catching

diamondyar писал(а) >>

...I somehow miraculously got it up and running in the tester... ------ is fun...

...but not enough lines... ------ 4 doesn't give much information ------- jumps too fast....

...how do you make more lines... ????????

The errors you're getting are just due to the fact that I have a slightly revised script...

It's not possible to make more lines in the current version of MT...

If you have several indicators in one window and one of them is the main indicator, others are slave indicators and every new indicator in the window will know it is the last with a slave level.

diamondyar писал(а) >>

...I somehow miraculously got it up and running in the tester... ------ is fun...

...but not enough lines... ------ 4 doesn't give much information ------- jumps too fast....

...how do you make more lines... ????????

If you have noticed there is parameter BarBuffered - it is distance after how many bars will be buffered...

forte928 писал(а) >>

And if you have noticed there is a parameter BarBuffered - this is the distance after how many bars the buffering will occur...

Of course you didn't...))))

forte928 писал(а) >>

But it is possible to have several indicators running in one window and one of them will be the main indicator and the others will be slave indicators and each new indicator in the window will know itself that it is the last one with a slave level...

...that's what you need!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;-)