Market etiquette or good manners in a minefield - page 22

Neutron писал(а) >>


First, calculate the micro-correction for each weight: dw=in*din - delta rule - multiply the input signal by the error applied to a particular input. Then we summarize it in a separate summator for each weight over all samples of the training vector. The weights are not corrected within an iteration of the training epoch. Only microcorrections and their squares are accumulated (in another adder).

P.S. I corrected the error in the post above. The derivative is found as follows: *(1-OUT2^2).

Seryoga, you and Fedor are playing a guessing game. Maybe it would be simpler to put your PPO on µl?


You don't need it!

Such things, which are brought to practical use, and in which a lot of work has been invested, are for sale.

A person learns here, and at the same time, invaluable experience is exchanged! These are different things.

In addition, I may err in my ideas and their implementation. Giving him something ready-made is the same as killing him.

Neutron >> :

Giving him a ready-made one is like killing him.

You shouldn't...

If I wanted a ready-made one, I'd look for a ready-made one. I wouldn't take yours, I want it myself.

So it's not all for nothing!
Neutron писал(а) >>

You don't need it!

Such things, which are brought to practical use, and in which a lot of work has been invested, are for sale.

A person learns here, and at the same time, invaluable experience is exchanged! These are different things.

In addition, I may err in my ideas and their implementation. Giving it to him is like killing him.

You and paralocus are already having such a "home grown" discussion. Although it is good to listen to and full of ideas :)

I was curious to see what I could squeeze out of my NS with your data. I have problems with input data, I wonder if my NS is good for something or not :)

YDzh писал(а) >>

It's nice to listen to, though, and there are a lot of ideas :)

The NSs are all the same, but the data... it's 90% success rate.

Now again, with that in mind, what are you talking about?

about the learning process :)

Come on, give us an idea - we'll discuss it!

What's promising to put in there. - A mashka?

Neutron >> :

Come on, give us an idea - we'll discuss it!

From a number of MACD tops to predict the next one. Exactly the value. The time frame is not important.

Neutron писал(а) >>

Come on, give us an idea - we'll discuss it!

What's promising to put in there. - MA?

VininI_RSI_FO by Vinin - practically a normalized oscillator, feed from several frames.