What is sporting and non-sporting trade - page 5


What does this have to do with comparing the championship to racing or to tenacious women? You can also compare the championship to the world revolution. We'll march in formation and beat our opponents. "No man, no problem". You compare the championship to what it is intended for - the real trade. And equate the championship with races, tennis, beauty contests, the world revolution - it's demagoguery, talk about nothing. Then compare your ass with your finger.....The effect will be the same ))))

TheXpert писал(а) >>

Don't give me that fuss :) .

If it's written in the rules of a tennis tournament that you can't shout unaesthetically and it's followed by disqualification, the analogy partially counts.

If tennis players get married precisely for their unaesthetic shouting, the analogy is fully valid :)) .

There was such a scandal in B.Tennis, Sharapova's shouting was supposed to demoralise the contestants and it was allegedly unsportsmanlike.
The committees argued and argued and left it at that.


So here (in the Championship) everything is like in real trading.

DC (Metaquotes) decided not to increase the spread in the period of the "great world crisis" - its right, but it decided not to pay profit (Sagittarius to withdrawal according to clause 130) - by pipsing (no one bothered to give a definition either - as in real trading), ugly, and earns :) So that the conditions of the game are quite consistent with the real one.

alexx_v писал(а) >>

So here (in the Championship) everything is just like in real trading.

DC (Metaquotes) decided not to increase the spread in the period of the "great world crisis" - its right, but it decided not to pay profit (Sagittarius to go to 130) - Bo Pipsing (no one bothered to give a definition either - as in the real world among other things), ugly, and earns :) So the conditions of the tournament are fully consistent with the real thing.

Of course, pure real )))))

LeoV писал(а) >>

What does it have to do with comparing the championship to racing or to tenacious women? You might as well compare the championship to the world revolution. We'll march in formation and beat our opponents. "No man, no problem. You compare the championship to what it is intended for - the real trade. And comparing the championship to motor racing, tennis, beauty contests, world revolution - it's demagoguery, it's a talk about nothing. Compare your ass to your finger then.....

Well, you're comparing.
>> is it really Ramak?)

Korey >> :

There was already a scandal in B.Tennis, allegedly Sharapova's shouts demoralise the contestants and it's supposedly unsportsmanlike.
>> different committees argued, argued and left as is.

Heh, funny :).

About the marriage, I was overreacting. >> By analogy, they should be married for third place in the tournament.

TheXpert писал(а) >>

Heh, that's funny :).

I was wrong about getting married. By analogy, they should get married for third place in the tournament.

Marry the councillor? Very original.....))))

LeoV >> :

Marry a councillor? Very original.....))))

Some allusions have gone with the avatar... >> ugh, ugh, ugh!
granit77 писал(а) >>
There's a lot of allusions with the avatar... Ugh, ugh, ugh!

....Open the door! Polucia! )))

LeoV писал(а) >>
....Open the door! >>Polucia! )))

>> Feeling better?