Automation with button and mouse click interception.


While researching Code Base, I came across a script and a script

The first one intercepts the codes of the pressed keys and the second one uses them.

So it's not quite clear to me which codes correspond to the buttons. i.e. for example how to find out the code of pressing Ctrl+R. the command starts the tester. or F6. Maybe there is a program to intercept?

Please advise who is in the field....

Well there is a line Print("Key pressed code=",lastkey," from window ",lastwnd);
sabluk >> :
Well, there is a line Print("Key pressed code=",lastkey," from window ",lastwnd);

is not quite clear to me in it.

For example the HOME button using the script gives out

2008.11.13 23:28:41 shablon EURUSD,M15: Pressed key code=36 from EURUSD,M15 window

and the other script uses a code to automate the pressing of 0x24.

So, it's not quite clear how to use it?

Look on the internet for a table of symbols that lists the codes
I think I've figured it out. The script transmits the codes in decimal form, but I need them in 16 decimal.
It is not clear what to do with keyboard shortcuts. Ctrl+R for example.
It's not clear what to do with keyboard shortcuts. Ctrl+R for example.

what is the end result of these scripts?

maybe an alternative.

you need to get the Ctrl+R shortcut. The question of how remains open.
For keyboard shortcuts, and all API scripts, search Ilnur's posts and his scripts in the database. He has ploughed deeper than anyone else.
HIDDEN писал(а) >>
is to get the Ctrl+R shortcut. The question how remains open.

Functions "int GetLastKeyLP()" and "int GetLastMouseLP()" available in the same library should help. And use the result in functions int SendMessageA (int hWnd, int Msg, int wParam, int lParam); int PostMessageA (int hWnd, int Msg, int wParam, int lParam);