Tick? Reality or abstraction? - page 4

nkeshka писал(а)
LeoV >> :

Who's there? )))

>> there ain't nobody here, it's an echo.)

alexx_v писал(а)
nkeshka писал(а) >> Are you consistently successful on Forex?

To answer your question

nkeshka wrote(a) >> And what prevents you from being successful in forex?

You have to give definitions - what is "stable" on Forex and what is "successful" on Forex. Then the answers to the questions are possible.

nkeshka wrote(a) >> Are you stably successful on Forex? And what prevents you from being successful on Forex?
LeoV писал(а) >>

In order to answer your question

You have to give definitions of what is "stable" in Forex and what is "successful" in Forex. Then the following questions may be answered

Stable: The income exceeds the expenses, but you want to be better, you have enough profit for your minimum needs.

Successful: Your income is constantly growing, you no longer count the expenses because they are not significant, you use the profits however you want, you are confident about the future.

nkeshka писал(а) >>

Stable: Income exceeds expenses, but wants to be better, you have enough profit for your minimal needs.

Successful: The income is constantly increasing, you no longer count the expenses because they are not significant, you use the profits as you wish, you are confident about the future.

OK, now we're stumped by the following bullshit.

1. "Minimum needs" - how much is that? It's different for everyone.

2. What do you mean "growing all the time"?

3. What do you mean by "expenses are insignificant"?

4. How and from what are we going to count the profit?

5. What does it mean to be sure of the future? If you have a high-paying job, are you confident about the future? That you will not be fired, the company will not go bankrupt, the crisis and so on?


Leo, forgot item 6 ...no, not that item 6 :)))

6. what does all this have to do with "tick, reality or abstraction"? :)

LeoV писал(а) >>

OK, now we're stuck with the next thing.

1. "Minimum needs" - how much is that? It's different for everyone.

2. What do you mean "constantly growing"?

3. What do you mean by "expenses are insignificant"?

4. How and from what are we going to count the profit?

5. What does it mean to be sure of the future? If you have a high-paying job, are you confident about the future? That you will not get fired, that the company will not go bankrupt, that there is no crisis, etc.?

Minimum needs - the amount of money corresponding to your needs (not to have debts).

Constantly increasing - the amount of money you can use at your discretion.

Expenses are insignificant - the cost of maintaining profits is taken from the profits themselves and is no more than1/2 of them.

Sustaining Profit - Planned Losses.

Profit is taken from the Balance Sheet. Debit, Credit, Balance.

Confidence in the future - Here it is difficult to answer. Because I myself am not confident in my future. I guess it's a state of peace of mind when you do not think about tomorrow, because you know that tomorrow may only be better than today.

alexx_v писал(а) >>

Leo, forgot item 6 ...no, not that item 6 :)))

6. what does all this have to do with "tick, reality or abstraction"? :)

It doesn't. Neither does paranoia. I've already had comprehensive answers to my questions.

nkeshka >> :

I've already had comprehensive answers to my questions.

Now it doesn't matter.


The process is underway.

In a couple of pages they're gonna start pummeling the americans

Then they start throwing references at each other.

>> then word-of-mouth, fool, you fool.

>> in the morning, we'll settle down and go to our rooms.)