Interesting! Turns out SL means nothing! - page 5

timbo >> :

A simple example:

You have an account in quid.

How do you sell euros if you do not have euros (buy euros for quid and sell euros does not work you know)?

Borrow those euros against your quid as collateral and sell them. Isn't that a loan?

Or another example:

You have quid on your account, you buy or sell (it does not matter) the Euro pound - where do you get the Euro or Pound ? You will also borrow and your quid will be used as collateral.

BARS >> :

A broker without a worker in the bazaar is easy to distinguish !

He's got two prices for buying and selling potatoes.

Actually everyone is. :)

Take any stall, shop. Only they have a lower price to buy. And we have a higher one. :(

By the way, on MAMB there are no spreads at all, no spreads at all. Whatever price I want, that's what I set. And they will buy and sell at exactly that price. Brokerage commission - kopecks (0.03%) + 0.02% - exchange fee. At the moment there is nothing to do on Fx, shorts are prohibited, but they don't want to grow. At least there is some movement here. :)


I wanted to find out how to attach the mechanics to the IDS. But apparently there is no way to find out. I don't want to argue. I will stick to my opinion.

Example of placing a market order on MT4:

-EUR/USD buy at 1.4567 (Requested)

-(Requested) -the pricehas changed: Do you want to buy at 1.4568?


-the price has changed: do you want to buy at 1.4570 ?

-WANTED!!!!!!!!!!!!! (requesting)

-the price dropped during the last request to 1.4566.

-BUY order at 1.4570 is open.

Total commission: spread + 4 points.

Example of placing a market order on the IDS:

-query quotes on EUR/USD

-Wish to buy at 1.4567 or sell at 1.4564 ?

-buy at

-BUY order at 1.4567 is open.

Total commission: spread.

You see, I hope for the best.

coaster >> :

I wanted to find out how to attach the mechanics to the IDS. But apparently there is no way to find out.

Example of placing a market order on MT-4:

-EUR/USD buy at 1.4567 (Requested)

-(Requested) -the price has changed: Do you want to buy at 1.4568?


-the price has changed: do you want to buy at 1.4570 ?

-WANTED!!!!!!!!!!!!! (requesting)

-the price dropped during the last request to 1.4566.

-BUY order at 1.4570 is open.

Total commission: spread + 4 points.

Example of placing a market order on the IDS:

-query quotes on EUR/USD

-Wish to buy at 1.4567 or sell at 1.4564 ?

-buy at

-BUY order at 1.4567 is open.

Total commission: spread.

I see, I hope, the best way.

Tried to open IDS fig (

BARS >> :

Tried to open the IDS figure (

That's the thing. It's a nice piece of software they made. But only IDS. Rumus sucks.

YUBA >> :

By the way, at MAMB, you don't see all these spreads, what you can and cannot buy. I set the price as I want it. And they will buy and sell exactly at it. Brokerage commission - kopecks (0.03%) + 0.02% - exchange fee. At the moment there is nothing to do on Fx, shorts are prohibited, but they don't want to grow. At least there is some movement here. :)

With MAMBA since I was 15 years old )

The spread was, is and will be ! Another thing is that it keeps bouncing ...

GAZIK ( gas industry) is running like a madman )

They asked the government for billions, but they say nothing about it).

Shorts are the same swap agreements as in the forex market...

go to a friend and ask to borrow a table for 2 days against 100p bail... You sell it, buy the same table around the corner but cheaper than you sold it, return the table, take back your 100 rubles and you have profit.

By the way, in the stock market, investors have apparently given a kicking to brokers so that they don't lend their securities...

coaster >> :

That's just it. They made a great software. But only IDS. Rumus sucks.

Yes... I wish I had a little more brains!

I don't know if it sucks for me...

1.e. Traffic eats more than MTs (important for me)...

2.e. Takes !!!! It's horrible when you figure out the price...

What I do like is their news! At least they are from Dow...

P.s. i like the way the management and display of balance, balances and transactions in their platform ! That the price is averaged when we add...

I wish I had this one :-)

Investor >> :

Not you, you !

1.e. Read a book so you don't talk nonsense.

2.e. You must have a C in economics. That's why you get confused, you hear the buzz, you don't know where it is.

If it's a future settlement, it's not a swap. And futures is from the word futche... future!

How many of you are there?

Have you read the PDS I linked to yet? Then write them a letter saying the AA rated bank (and there are only 11 in the world) are fools, don't know what they sell swaps or futures.


What is a stoploss? It is essentially a limit order (it goes against the moving price). It is executed with a slippage for a client, but for a brokerage company it is executed at the requested price exactly as it should be for all limit orders. What is there to talk about? Business is business, you cannot do without profit.


I may have got into this for nothing. I don't want to argue about terms, and I'm not good at them.