Interesting! Turns out SL means nothing! - page 4

tarik20 >> :

That is, if your stop is higher than necessary, there's nothing you can do about it - if a potato cost 5 roubles yesterday and 2 today, you can't sell it for 4 .....

I can't find standard (for Mamba, for example) functions - trailing stops, slippage and other functions in orders (orders here). Bids, ugh, orders with conditions and other stock market conveniences. Where there is no way for a position to fail to execute unless there is a gap. Inside a session it is simply impossible. So I'll sell the potatoes at 4.50 in any case. :)

YUBA >> :

I don't find the standard (for MAMBA, for example) features - trailing stops, slippage, etc. features in orders (here orders). Bids, ugh, orders with conditions and other stock market conveniences. Where there is no way for a position to fail to execute unless there is a gap. Inside a session it is simply impossible. So I'll sell the potatoes at 4.50 on the FR anyway. :)

It is easy to tell a broker without an employee in the bazaar !

He's got two prices to buy and sell potatoes

coaster >> :

ISO 9001 doesn't ring a bell?


What do you know about quality management?

It doesn't say anything. Even rubbish collection companies have ISO today.

But the lack of accreditation in financial institutions speaks volumes.

Investor >> :

Now get to the bottom of it:
In finance, a swap is a derivative in which two counterparties agree to swap one stream of cash against another stream. (i.e. you are being exchanged for BUCKS for EUR...)
The cash flows are calculated on a diverted principal amount, which is normally not exchanged between counterparties.

Well, as long as you have the book, and as long as ploughs and harvesters are mentioned here, here's a swap

Where's the credit there? Swap may or may not be a credit, if the settlement takes place in the future.

coaster писал(а) >>

ISO 9001 doesn't ring a bell?


What do you know about quality management?

You also remember the quality mark that was in the USSR.

And the personal brand.

Those from the pre-Perestroika period must remember.

Theory and practice do not always go hand in hand. :)

BARS >> :

Well, you can't leave us unattended, you can't))

Brokers are not for discussion.

I'll say a few words: They have quotes for the ruble... If you look at the brokers, you'll see quotes quotes worth 5R a BUCK !!! That's saying a lot ;-)

Once I put a TP there, but it didn't work... Lost it by +100%. Woke up the next day and was amazed...

2.e. it's not convenient in a fast market !!!! until I get a fucking request... you get an answer... ...the price has already swept away... I couldn't open it that way sometimes and dropped the price by 10 pips... I didn't have that problem on MT. I had no such problems... If you look at the price, you'll see... If you look at the price, you'll see... If you look at the price, you'll see... I'll see...)

I`m not comfortable to trade there !!! I ran to MT :-)

I don't believe in slippage-free trading (I know it myself). In the market it doesn't happen with the gaps that start on Monday. And why are we going to catch them anyway? Usually you look at the opening... if there's a gap, you go against the side of the gap... You don't know where the price is going to go... You're waiting for the towers to go up...

About the request, yes. For example, i got a slippery slope, but i've got a slippery slope. But you can open at a favourable price because of the delay: they do not know the intentions of the selected direction. On the other hand, when the market is calm: up to 2 seconds, and then you either accept or refuse.

On the MT, the request already includes an intention. And if there is a change of quote, you only lose, but you do not win.

I left FC myself, ploughs because, but I liked their service. If it were possible to bolt MT-4 to IDS, I would work with them anyway. In the meantime, they're a dead end.

timbo >> :

Today, even rubbish collection companies have this ISO.

What do you have against these companies?

timbo >> :

Well, as long as you have the book, and as long as ploughs and harvesters are mentioned here, here's a swap

Where's the credit there? Swap may or may not be a credit if the settlement is in the future.

Not you but you !

1.e. Read the book, don't talk nonsense.

2.e. You must have a C in economics. That's why you get confused, you hear the buzz, but you don't know where it is.

If it's a future settlement, it's not a swap. And futures is from the word futche... future!

Swap is an agreement to exchange one currency for another, with interest on its use ... (like the Americans taking stamps for quid ... and promising to pay with stamps in the future to perform a full transaction, with some interest on these stamps the Americans in effect simply lend the stamps, and they convert them in the market to quid) ie credit once you pay this interest!

coaster >> :

About the enquiry, yes. When the market is active, you wait as long as you are lucky enough to get a response. But it is possible to open at a good price because of the delay: they do not know the intentions of the chosen destination. On the other hand, when the market is calm: up to 2 seconds, and then you either accept or refuse.

On the MT, the request already includes an intention. And if there is a change of quote, you will only lose, but you will not win.

I left FC myself, ploughshares because, but I liked their service. If it were possible to connect MT-4 to IDS, I would work with them anyway. In the meantime, they're not working for me.

But they will know your intentions in any case.

Formerly opened that MT immediately in -5 that IDS -6 (It's the EUR!!!) But God! How there stops and take-ins!!! Until zabosh them ... horror !!!

I was thinking of adding it too, but then I gave up... I think it's easier to find a more decent brokerage house with MT and go there than to bother with it here! What else amazed me is that they don't understand what to do and how to translate it when you make a bank transfer! They are like a tuta bank... the name is the same, but the details show a different bank!

ISO doesn't care about ISO... IMHO a normal terminal is better than all this nonsense. I'm still amazed... they have ruble candles at 5 rubles per quid! Already this fact says a lot about the broker ...

coaster писал(а) >>

What do you have against these companies?

Apparently nothing...

And most likely what was meant, although it really is

that the certificate refers to quality of service checks:

- speed of the secretary, cleanliness of the office, toilet, softness of paper, etc...

But in fact the certificate has the same relation to the trading service

has the same relation to Jupiter and the Moon...


As for the subject, above said correctly:

Limit ones - no one promised more.

Stop-loss - yes, but if not, it will be worse...


Break these orders down and you will see the logic behind their execution.

Everything is quite simple, trivial and commonplace...

For example a stop, it's the client's choice of level and tell me why

diling to take a loss on every slide...?