[WARNING CLOSED!] Any newbie question, so as not to clutter up the forum. Professionals, don't go by. Can't go anywhere without you. - page 716

Question, can a simple user use an animated avatar as an icon, and if so, what are the gif limits?

Give me the whole code. You can send it to me in person. I'll try to help.
Question, can a simple user use an animated avatar as an icon, and if so, what are the gif limits?

It's better to write to Roche in person about this.



In that case, I'll do without the animation :)
We have people with animations - say, TheXpert and ForexTools. You can ask them in person as well.
Question, can a simple user use an animated avatar as an icon, and if so, what are the gif limits?
I think I've seen gifs for ordinary users... try png, they're smaller in size.

Help a beginner, I wrote a start to open one market and 2 pending orders, the price of which are set at take profit,

What's wrong with this?

extern int    StopLoss       = 0;
extern int    TakeProfit     = 50;
int    magicnumber    = 777;
extern double lot = 0.1;

//| expert start function                                            |
int start()
int SLB = Bid-(StopLoss*Point);
int TPB = Ask+(TakeProfit*Point);   

              OrderSend(Symbol(),OP_BUY,lot,Ask,3,SLB,TPB,"Doubler BUY",magicnumber,0,Green);
              OrderSend(Symbol(),OP_BUYLIMIT,lot,Ask=TPB,3,SLB,TPB,"Doubler BUY",magicnumber,0,Green);
              OrderSend(Symbol(),OP_BUYSTOP,lot,Ask=TPB,3,SLB,TPB,"Doubler BUY",magicnumber,0,Green);


Help a beginner, I wrote a start to open one market and 2 pending orders, the price of which are set at take profit,

I can't see what's wrong with it.

I did not dig deep but

not Ask=TPB but just TPB,

StopLoss*point is also 0*point

- that's the grammar that caught my eye


Help a beginner, I wrote a start to open one market and 2 pending orders, the price of which are set at take profit,

What's wrong with this?

extern int    StopLoss       = 0;
extern int    TakeProfit     = 50;
int    magicnumber    = 777;
extern double lot = 0.1;

//| expert start function                                            |
int start()
double SLB;
if(StopLoss!=0) SLB = NormalizeDouble(Bid-(StopLoss*Point),Digits);
else SLB=0;
double TPB;
if(TakeProfit!=0) TPB = NormalizeDouble(Ask+(TakeProfit*Point),Digits);
else TPB=0;

              OrderSend(Symbol(),OP_BUY,lot,NormalizeDouble(Ask,Digits),3,SLB,TPB,"Doubler BUY",magicnumber,0,Green);
              OrderSend(Symbol(),OP_BUYLIMIT,lot,SLB,3,0,0,"Doubler BUY",magicnumber,0,Green);
              OrderSend(Symbol(),OP_BUYSTOP,lot,TPB,3,0,0,"Doubler BUY",magicnumber,0,Green);
